
it would be nice to group you negative users in another apartment… :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

When I see Ariela, It looks like she is never happy. Ane when I see both in the apartment, It’s usually with him in one place and her in another. It makes me feel bad for them, it seems like something has happened that put a wall up between them. I have never even seen them laughing of smiling together. I can say that is very difficult. To be together with someone you love but have grown apart. She seems like a good woman, cleans the apartment, cooks, takes care of the a____ls. And he looks at his phone a lot. It’s a lot like my house. My wife is always busy, and me when inside I am on my computer just like now. I hope they can get back to having fun in their relationship, and get back to being friends with each other, it will be better for the both of them… And I think she is so beautiful and sweet to be naked so much… I thank her for that…


A very true picture of life in the 21st Century

I’m sorry but being as judgmental as some are on this forum is not “polite”. Phrase it however you want, it does not absolve the comments of being rude and disrespectful.

Im Grunde kann ich Ihnen recht geben. Mir ist es eigendlich auch egal, ob jemand für oder gegen Ariela und Seb ist. Jeder soll seine Meinung äußern. Wenn man das beschreibt was man sehen kann.

Da sind selbstverständlich verschiedene Interpretationen möglich.

Nur wenn ich Beschreibungen von Tätigkeiten lese, die sich über das Leben außerhalb dieser Wohnung beziehen, finde ich das komisch. Außer die Person war Live vor Ort.




I also have the impression that there is less action in many realms at the moment.

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I still do not think that there is a problem with the two. But I accept if others see it differently.
I don’t know how much you still talk to your partner every day after many years. But the smartphone has destroyed a lot of conversation culture in this day and age. Unfortunately, I see this all over the world.

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It’s not good to talk about people’s potential problems when not only is it up to the individual’s perception as to if there is even a problem but you are also strangers to these people. To constantly talk as if there is something wrong with their life is seriously fucked up and you overestimate your own significance


Maybe you’re right.



You write so much that didn’t happen, or will never come true, that this one more mistake doesn’t make your credibility any worse…

Do you expect him to do the same to you and not reply to your comments?