Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

ariela can take care of a man or 2. she is very attentive.

Surtout si en plus il y a une bon gain au final beaucoup de vue sur vhtv et peut ĂȘtre que l’invitĂ© a payĂ© pour cette prestation


Thats how it’s suppose to work
 party a while, fuck, and go home. back in your old mans or ladies arms.


Cela ne signifie rien pour nous. Ceci n’est qu’une description d’une personne laissĂ©e sans endroit oĂč vivre. en Russie, cela ne semble pas offensant. ressemble Ă  une description de la situation de vie dĂ©sagrĂ©able actuelle d’une personne :person_shrugging:

Ariela you are in our opinion one of the best couples on VHTV ,it is such a pity you are unable to get other couples to visit you ,but we guess your country is so large that any couple that would like to visit you cant because the distance is to great ,still we wait in anticipation ,stay on this site we like you both very much


D’aprĂšs la dĂ©finition d’Ariela ce terme “VAGABONDE” ne lui correspond pas d’aprĂ©s moi ARIELA est une magnifique fille qui avec l’accord et l’aide de son mari SEB recoit des hommes et realise diffĂ©rentes prestations avec eux, avec ou sans SEB plus limitĂ©Ă©s quand il n’est pas present. Exemple typique hier type presentĂ© par SEB Ă  ARIELA sur le tĂ©lĂ©phone avant hier petite video d’elle envoyĂ© et BING il est la hier.De plus je pense pas qu’elle prenne un reel plaisir avec eux .Pour ma part je suis persuadĂ© qu’il y a renumĂ©ration de la part des invitĂ©s en fonction des services. COMMENT NOMMER CETTE ACTIVITEE ???

stupid claim?

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Why does it matter :man_shrugging: We are here to observe what they do in their lives not to question if money changed hands or no, absolutely nothing to do with us.

I’m sick of you guys asking all the wrong questions, hounding & calling her all sorts. @VHTV_James suspended Txotxo in Flora’s for similar difficult questions and insults, but there’s 3 or 4 that needs that in here but it’s always overlooked, obviously a rule for one and one for another.

Just sit back and enjoy what you’re watching and STFU.

Superbe ta derniere VIDEO

Well said I’m tired of it too :clap:
Why can’t ppl let A&S live in peace? I wish ppl will stop talking bad about A&S

in peace sounds better than in pieces :joy:

Great catch sometimes I mistype :crazy_face: :joy:


I hope everyone reads this. “Big jock” is mad because someone said something mean about ariela. “Big jock” is tired of us asking the wrong questions, and we can’t have that! “Big jock” seems to think that somehow he and ariela have a romantic connection. So once again, we all have to behave and stop asking the wrong questions because “big jock” said so. If we don’t behave and stop asking the wrong questions, “big jock” will continue to whine and cry, and throw another hissy fit!

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If somebody calls you a tramp, take it as a compliment. :kissing_heart:


Don’t worry too much about it. Our Participants are all very cool and clever people. I think nobody will fall for trolls and provocations and either ignores those, or stand up to them.

For @participants it is always good to know: You can report any post you find insulting and we will look into it. Protecting participants and our partners is our priority and we will deal with inadequate behavior using adequate and strict measures.

Participants are also able to contact VHTV via internal communication channels (24/7), as well as via VHTV Support (24/7) or by sending a Private Message to anybody from @staff here at Forums.

We rather react to reports from Participants themselves, but we keep a close eye to whole community feedback in this and other regards too.

P.S. Sometimes, the best thing one can do is just putting annoying people in Ignore list. You can do it by visiting anybody’ profile and changing their status for you:


i think you don’t have to have romantic feelings towards ariela. it should be enough to simply treat other people with a modicum of respect.
since you proved that you can’t do that: I don’t feel like reading your ‘wisdom’ anymore. welcome to my ignore list


@Sebastian Sebastian could touch the guy too

There wouldn’t be much of a forum left if I muted or ignored everyone that annoyed me :wink: :rofl:

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Fifteen people here seem to agree with Big Jock that you are rude and compares you quite rightly to the toxic TxoTxo . Please recognise the fact that all you are doing is upsetting many of us plus Seb and Ariela. i love that phrase STFU