Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)



Some people leave their Christmas tree (New Year’s tree) up until Easter… :joy: :sweat_smile:

you are so right man, the level of toxicity is insane from some people. I wonder if these toxic complainers realize that a) You are not Seb so whatever their relationship is WHO GIVE A F. b) all your thoughts on what seb should do result in that gorgeous girl no longer being naked to look at c) potentially seb actually leaving the project all together. Just enjoy watching people enjoy themselves.

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Questo è tutto fuori che divertimento , forse per Ariela ma per Seba no e ieri sera lo ha dimostrato. È andata a consolarlo in cucina e due minuti dopo aveva il cazzo di Austin in mano . È una relazione tossica questa è la realtà il divertimento deve essere coindiviso non da una parte sola e Seba ieri non mi sembrava felice . Me tanto loro negheranno sempre lo stesso per la gente che li guarda ma non lo potranno fare a lungo per loro stessi . Altra prova è che alla fine non ha scopo ma ha solo recitato per l’ennesima volta come l’ospite dell 'altra sera chissà perché…

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practical phone holder :smile:

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Maybe it looks like it from your point of view, but that doesn’t mean it has to correspond to reality.

If you would or could watch the apartment regularly and with a view through all the cameras, you would certainly have a different opinion.

Incidentally, it’s Ariela’s and Sebastian’s sole concern as to what, how and why they do it, and they certainly won’t need an analysis from “behavioral scientists” like you.

If you go back you can see that at the beginning of this realm Ariela and Austin already fucked, now on cams they don’t fuck anymore, I think these cuddles are normal…

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moi je pense qu’ils biasent à l’exterieur vous allez voir ils vont partir ensemble dommage pour nous que se soit pas à la maison

Sicuramente andranno a finire fuori quello che non fanno davanti alle telecamere come hanno gia fatto altre volte…è scontato .

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Siamo tutti spettatori e abbiamo il diritto di esprimere con educazione un parere su cio che ci fanno vedere .

you can confirm each other with ‘evidence’ and ‘obvious’ as you please: it doesn’t become any more true than that, or can be taken as evidence!

Just take it the way it is and let the two of them live their life the way THEY want it, not how you imagine it

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then limit yourself to an opinion about what you really see, not what you think you see/know

far too often you express your opinion as if it were a statement of fact (applies to several here in general, not you specifically)

Forse quando ci si espone in questo modo bisogna pensare di piu a quello che si fa perchĂŠ mi sembra che ci siano in questo forum diverse persone che hanno tanti dubbi su come si comportano e che non si limitano solo a guardare mentre scopano , ma espongono pensieri come me .

you’re right, there are several here who do that. I just don’t understand the ‘why’. here a fairy tale is built up around the apartment and many respond to it, although a: it is none of our business and b: it has nothing to do with what is to be seen. some are building a parallel world here that has absolutely nothing to do with what the cameras are showing…
what is so different about this apartment and the residents? i don’t see any comparable behavior of the spectators in many other apartments

back to facts:



seb had sex 2 times in one day what going on

maybe prescribed by the doctor to get well faster? :smile:

I haven’t seen her ‘feel-good eyes’ for far too long


How can you be quite so blind - are you in love with her. All we know for sure is that he was a married man with c___dren, the marriage didn’t work and now he has the immense luck in getting a companion who is absolutely ‘Miss World’ gorgeous, 10 years younger than him ,.who really loves having sex with him. ,
What a terrible position to be in

I don’t want to carlos this, but what’s with the blanket? A polite greeting to all the self proclaimed marriage counselors in this forum?