Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

I don’t understand what you are asking.

Good Morning @Sebastian :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I don’t understand what you mean. tell me more details please

We regularly take all the necessary tests and carefully monitor our health. Today I was again at the next check :relieved: Everything is always in order
Naturally, I don’t know how other participants in this project relate to health, but I think that everything is also responsible and in order.


le probleme est que fais tu si tu es possitive lors d’un controle .il vuadrait mieux prévenir car difficile de guerir si vous etes infectés

Grazia per aver risposto comunque prevenire è meglio che curare . Faccio un esempio se l’ospite ultimo che hai avuto ha qualcosa non lo vedi con il prelievo di oggi e il giorno chevsarai positiva che fai ? Comunque grazie ancora pre la disponibilità a parlare di argomenti delicati ma lo dico per il tuo bene sei giovane e hai una vita davanti a te .

you are soo beautiful are you going to visit the u.s.

Tod Travel to the USA from Russia has been banned since the Invasion of the Ukraine. I don’t think any visa’s to the USA are being issued to Russian Citizens, The only way to get into the USA would be to fly to another country that allows flights from Russia, Then board another flight from that point to the USA. Apologies if this is off topic

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


iain thanks wishful thoughts.

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ariela on phone hurried up got bath dresses, seb came in from work . she left seb by him self at 20;31. she is fucking someone

seb change clothes and went out about nine minutes after her she proberly waiting for seb to join her and gone for a walk or something lets just see who comes home first

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And what will it tell you what time they come home :thinking: absolutely nothing we have no idea what they do when they go past the door entrance unless they post pictures.

I notice you post nice posts when they were away but as soon as there’s a poster that is negative you change to suit them and you’re always proved wrong. So give it a rest because you are rubbish at it.

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big jock i pay close attention to thing if u check my post i said there was a secret. the nite of the 3some it was ok. the next nite they left and came back together. when seb got in bed he started to look at videos on phone. that is when i saw ariela fucking another man and seb watching her that was the secret i was talking about.

Tu as une vidéo à nous montrer



I think this should read “Hello, where is your beautiful bush gone, Ariela?”

In other words this person is asking where Ariela’s pubic hair went.

handsdown f u seb knows she is doing something . seb left 9 min. after she left and came back about 20;00 min. before she did i think he followed her… seb got home at 23;58 and ariela got home at 00;21.seb is acting like he is as___p. check time line?

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i notice 2nite ariela brought a stuffed a____l to bed and put it in between her and seb.01;18 no hugs


if you look back on the time around 05;52 seb got up and started checking ariela phone he knows.