Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

you are wrong.

We got great pleasure from the process yesterday. and who told you that I wanted another girl?

Аnd ariella likes to pamper herself afterwards. as well as caresses and kisses. we are very satisfied. isn’t that what we need?


Penso che Ariela e Sebastian siano già d’accordo. Lascia che questa coppia faccia quello che vuole, noi spettatori siamo fortunati che lo facciano nel loro appartamento e non nell’appartamento degli ospiti. Non abbiamo il diritto di criticare le loro azioni e quello che fanno, quindi lasciamoglielo e possiamo godercelo

I think Ariela and Sebastian already agree. Let this couple do whatever they want, we viewers are lucky that they do it in their apartment and not in the guest apartment. We have no right to criticize their actions and what they do, so let them and we can enjoy it

Thank you for the hot evening. I liked it as much as you did. :heart:

It is precisely the caresses that you exchange that make up the atmosphere, which crackles with eroticism.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Surely participating is better than watching :thinking:

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If you think so, you are wrong with VHTV and should look around at a dating site.

I think it’s you that needs the dating site so you can feel what it’s like to be a participant in the art of making love (Sex if you’re not sure what that is) :grin:

beautiful smile :heart_eyes: oh yeah and boobs :heart_eyes: :sweat_smile:


sei bellissima!!!

:kissing_heart:MAGICA :kissing_heart:MAGICA

Absolutely Seb. @Edison appeared to criticise the act of kissing as too personal. Ridiculous , people all over the world kiss in various form , from pecks to passion . Some people like it , some people don’t enjoy the closeness. Immaterial. If you and Ariela are happy that is the only thing that matters. Ariela has the ability ( and i have said this before) to make the person she is with think that they are centre of her world while she is with them. That is an art form. If you watch the two of them together , he is captivated and cannot get his hands and lips away from her. She has plenty of passion in reserve. Don’t get me wrong she enjoys it immensely, particularly the idea of being adored, but you Sebastian , are the centre of her world . Long may you stay together ( for ever) ( and with us).


There’s a lot of arse kissing in here in the forum :thinking: I’ll refrain from naming names but it’s quite easy to work out. :thinking: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i am greatly in favour of arse kissing , and i don’t care whether i am doing it or accepting it.

reminds me a bit of this famous picture from american beauty.

@Sebastian maybe someday you would like to recreate this picture? :innocent:

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I agree. But without the annoying flowers covering boobs and pussy :stuck_out_tongue: :innocent:

even with … I wouldn’t really care in that case. preferably both variants, then everyone is satisfied :blush:

Massage time :heart:


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for the nude cooking fans…




Beautiful :heart: :heart_eyes: :heart:

Please don’t flag if it offends anyone let me know in DM and I’ll edit to your liking :wink: :heart: