Ariela (Part 2)

I completely agree with you. This behaviour (going into hiding) is unacceptable for those (like me) who pay for this site to be ‘voyeurs’ … :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

Why are there ‘hidden’ areas in this flat?
Initially, there was a camera on the balcony!


I’m not happy at all and I don’t intend in the future to pay to see NOTHING!

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :triumph: :rage:


Foi retirada da área pedido do Sebastian e relocada no teto do quarto, se não me falha memória.

I have an idea: if you don’t watch this apartment, you don’t pay for it and the manager doesn’t get anything from you.

You could ask VHTV, for example, whether you could install a camera there again.

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Before Seb moved out, there were several times ariela had a guess guy over while seb was at work. They were both fully clothed before the cameras mysteriously went out, when the cameras came back on, ariela and guess guy were in the shower. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened.

Só falei que foi uma situação atípica e que poderia ser perdoada. Principalmente porque a Fennec sempre foi ótima e dedicada.

it happened exactly with Conrad as a guest together with a friend of his…they deliberately turned off the cameras in the living room for a while…

Perfeito. “Indícios de autoria”. E vem se repetindo sempre.

Explain to me the difference between :

  • deliberately covering a camera (Fennec)
  • deliberately hiding from the cameras (Ariela)

I don’t see any difference !!! :rage: :rage: :rage:


Sabotage and no sabotage

I agree that both are unpleasant for the viewer.

But Henry also had a whole room without a camera … the famous storage room …

It is like Klaus at Trishas. He is also making some small attempts, at least apparently, at hiding the camera in the bathroom on purpose. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t know about the hippie mentality you speak of, but, you have to give her credit where it is due. I respect a hustler; you must be smart to bring that income in. I post and laugh to piss the fanboys off. All in all, she has provided great content on the site, which has been one of the better long-standing realms.

Just don’t get emotionally attached to these people, like the fanboys who want to be their best friends and, like some of the operators, who are all up in their business gossiping about their managers instead of updating the archive. <-----Oops, did I write that last part? :rofl:


El punto de todo esto es que realmente uno solo es espectador: no somos ni los redactores del contrato con VHTV, ni managers, ni participantes (habitantes de los departamentos), mucho menos, ministros de economía de las billeteras de los participantes.
Los que pueden pagar la membresía tendrán más poder de queja que los que no y podrán “exigir” más cámaras, o que se muestre más espectáculo…
No creo que la “culpa” sea del participante 100% sino de los grises que hay en el medio de esta historia que permiten que los límites se desdibujen (departamentos que sí tienen cámaras en el baño contra los que no, lo cual permite que se habiliten tópicos como “chicas/chicos haciendo pis” en primera plana), balcones que no las tienen o con ángulos irrisorios, etc.
Participantes inocentes no hay ninguno. Y creo que cuando llevas más de dos años en el sitio exponiéndote a esto, sabés las reglas del juego.


With all due respect I find it a total turn off to watch both boys and girls only peeing. That is not why and what I am here to observe. :heart_eyes: My main point is that I am able to get the big writings of yours like this into my own mother tongue. That is absolutely somewhat easier than only reading what you say only in english. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Come on mate, I think you’re not understanding things, I’ll try to explain it better to you, as for the hippe mentality, you do know what it means, if you don’t know, we pay her for a service she provides, if you paid her directly for a service she provides for you, you would want to know more about the hippe mentality that I know you know. As for getting emotionally attached to her, I just need to laugh, firstly, I’ve been here for more than 7 years and I’ve seen things that you can’t even dream of, at a time when VHTv was 50 times better than it is today and I actually have things for me emotionally attached and I only once got attached. in these almost 8 years. so this emotional attachment is not for me, besides, as I said, I only watch Ariela’s kingdom when there is nothing else going on, many think Ariela is smart, I think she is almost a scammer, like the manipulation she does with everyone, spectators and guests and that’s why I don’t like her one bit. So the chance of getting attached to her is less than zero

Chad, you misunderstood; I am speaking in general about attachment; this isn’t directed at you. You’ve seen the fanboys, how they swoop down to defend her.

I think she is smart in the ways she wants to be smart! You called her a scammer; to be a scammer, mate, you have to be smart. Let’s not take that away from anyone scamming lad :rofl:

I don’t see how what she does here is any different from the deception of all companies in how they draw you in. Do you think businesses make money, honestly?

I don’t get the hippie vibe from her, that was just my opinion.

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well that depends, a scammer may be intelligent but he is not wise. intelligence is related to the ability to reason and think, while wisdom is related to the ability to use knowledge in a sensible and profound way. Her attitude borders on the scam, as it involves trickery, manipulation, but it is not wise, as it is not sensible and tends not to last long and have no future.and I don’t tend to have any kind of attachment to people like that, in fact I have contempt. I see a lot of the hippe vibe in her, she can’t save money, in fact she lives in a detached way, with people without getting involved definitively, in fact she lets life take her, worrying little about the people around her and the consequences of what happens. what she does. At least that’s what I see from what I’ve seen of her. She even has traces of psychopathy, for manipulating people and not worrying about what they think or feel

I find all of this disturbing, a whole string of apartments and participants, leading all the way back to ‘Lord’. It probably goes back further but it all went arse up when ‘Lord’ appeared.

I get that, but I am not comparing the two! There are many intelligent people who are not smart; I deal with them daily.

But I am saying that she is smart in the ways she needs to be smart on this site, and she plays a different game than the others, which has given her longevity here.

Oh I disagree with you, she is not as intelligent as this site needs, you just need to see that the number of people upset with her is higher than those who are enjoying what she is doing

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There’s a lot to be said for paying or not paying to view this site, but does it follow (because that’s the implication, otherwise the comment wouldn’t have been made) that those who pay have more of the truth than those who don’t, and that their word carries more weight than that of others?