Ariela (Part 2)

  1. How can you see the scene on the balcony? There’s no camera on that balcony!

  2. So why does this guy come to a voyeur site when he doesn’t want us to see him having sex???
    I don’t understand!
    Can you explain that to me?

like everyone else: from the kitchen… only that I am not guided solely by my imagination but rather use what can be seen and heard as a benchmark

he is a guest. like so many others have been just guests. thus he has no duties to fulfil… just like all the residents have no duties when it comes to sex… that is just always an expectation by the viewers


As JonR says he is away for 3-9 months and she seems to really like this lad but maybe she doesn’t want to jink the relationship. P. S she left her knickers on the balcony.

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:ok_hand: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rabbit2: :rabbit2:

FANNNNNNNBOYYYYY! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s giving stalker :thinking:; you should make another poll; it seems like you lack real friends, trying so hard to be these participants’ mates.

Makes you feel good, huh, being able to speak of their personal circumstances so confidently, fanboy.

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No creo que ninguna de las chicas que trabajan para VHTV sean Bambi o Maléfica, sino que son mejores o peores actrices, mejores o peores jugadoras en este juego de roles.
Ariela es más que inteligente en esto de mantener en vilo al espectador, ya sea consciente o inconscientemente, no podemos negarlo.
El balcón se ha transformado en un escenario alternativo de charlas, manoseo, incubadora de su lagartito y solarium, siendo el segundo punto “ciego” además del baño (lugar del inodoro), por lo que no me sorprende que “pasen cosas” (además de pipi y popó)
Y mientras acá se debate si oculta o no algo, o cuál es su estrategia ella sigue viviendo su vida sin importarle un cuerno nuestro debate, porque seguirá haciendo lo que pueda para mantener a flote su departamento.
Es un bucle eterno para ella (que aparentemente busca el amor además del cuerpo de alguien) y para nosotros (que queremos verla bien y ver un poco de acción de su parte más que mostrar sus pechos, caderas menearse y tocar bajo la manta a alguien).

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I don’t know any pictures of the room with the toilet, but I can imagine that a balcony at sunrise is more romantic than any toilet :rofl:
… depending on the season, however, it can also be much colder :cold_face:

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Para un rapidito cualquier lugar es bueno :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Usá tu imaginación…
PD: recuerdo una madrugada que ella buscó su vibrador del cajón del mueble de la sala y se fue al baño (en ese entonces yo tenía acceso a todas las cámaras y solo existía un lugar para que fuera a autosatisfacerse).

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If Andery is engaged to someone else and is rarely with her, I think he will eventually make her sad. If that’s the case, I think she should give up early and find a single and reliable person to accompany her. In fact, there are several good ones among the recent visitors. Or she should continue to look for someone. She doesn’t need to stop having sex with others just for Andery tbh.

P.S they did have sex in balcony this morning right? :rofl:

well I wasn’t going to say anything, but considering the number of posts I’m going to say what I think of Ariela, Ariela has 80% hippie personality, respecting anyone who also has this type of personality and might be here, Definitely anyone who has this type of personality It’s not meant to be taken seriously. She is typically carefree, reckless and lives by manipulating everyone from viewers to guests. I’m not a fan of her, in fact I only watch this realm because VHTV has such a bad time of events and participants that sometimes I have no choice. However, whoever is a fan of this little girl, I’ll tell you to either put down this mess for good or get used to this shamelessness of turning off your cam and having sex in other places without a camera. In fact, it is an outrage for those who pay to not have a camera on the balcony. This kingdom should get a good fine and stay away for about 30 days, I wouldn’t miss it at all.


Well, all I can say is that she has made things rather complicated for all of us by breaking up with Sebastian :rofl:

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Verdade, ele não tem obrigações com o VH, mas ela tem. Essa pratica de se esconder vem acontecendo a dias, O cara deve ser igual o namorado da Roza que sente frio na bunda.
Fica a velha pergunta. Por quê se esconder ? Por muito menos deram uma punição na Fennec.

I don’t know what was going on in Fennec’s realm in detail, but there is a difference between going where the cam’s don’t see and deliberately obstructing cameras. Also, do we really want to take Fennec’s managers, and their policy of handing out fines, as an example?

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very bad example, the fines from Fennec’s Slave Own… sorry, “Managers”, were solely there to keep the girls trapped in debt and to pay them as little money as possible… any reason was acceptable for this, and if that’s not enough, new reasons were invented

you are confusing her ‘obligation’ with our expectations.
the only ‘obligation’ she can have according to the contract is to LIVE in front of the camera, and how much she earns from it certainly depends on what she shows in front of the camera. and not everyone is suitable or willing to serve different men every night…
And the fact that ‘life’ no longer works like that after Sebastian moved out is sad, but nothing can be done about it. Everyone has to find their own way of getting by. Some look for one or more jobs, others ‘prostitute’ themselves, more or less voluntarily.


There are managers who invent penalties for everything in order to reduce any payouts.

We don’t want to talk about managers who are hardly/no longer represented on VHTV.

No cameras are deliberately blocked …

The area never had a camera …


Pelo que foi relatado no fórum, “ela apenas atrasou 15 minutos para iniciar o sistema de câmeras, porque estava em companhia de seus dirigentes e chegou muito tarde em seu apartamento”, o que lhe custou uma multa que ela se recusou a pagar. Segundo o fórum, não houve bloqueio deliberado das câmeras. Agora, se esconder é uma atitude deliberada. Embora não seja o meu caso, é falta de respeito com quem paga para assistir às câmeras privadas.

I have to correct you: there was a camera … which changed its location at some point and is now above the bed


That is correct, except that there is no contractual clause that justifies a penalty in this case