Ariela (Part 2)

as a non-payer you see less and have to imagine all the rest.

as a payer you see more and have to fill in fewer gaps with imagination. you have more information and a more complete picture. And theoretically, this also gives you a greater chance of being closer to the truth.

But it is obvious that those who pay also have gaps somewhere, as the scene today shows.
But whether and how far you go to close this gap is up to each individual. Some are happy with what they can see and ignore the rest, or live with it.
Others get so upset that you basically wait for the next call for witch burnings (with some here I am surprised that this has not happened long ago).

and a very few have the opportunity to fill even these few gaps by being able to ask the right questions in the right way to the right people and get answers that no one else has.

so if I now compare ‘a lot of imagination needed’ with ‘less imagination needed’ with ‘information directly from the source that has not given you any reason not to trust it’ … then I know who is closer to the truth

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If something bothers you and you can change it, then change it instead of getting upset about it.

If something bothers you and you can’t change it, then accept that you can’t change it instead of getting upset about it.

You should read through it, think about it, and maybe you’ll get your blood pressure under control again.

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you see connections where there are none. Just because one group shouts the loudest doesn’t mean they are the majority…


Tired Sleep GIF by Travis
Fucking hell. Someone feed the fucking poodle.

sorry. I’m just trying to get the poodles in front of a herd of rottweilers

although that doesn’t matter today. The little yappers make noise whether you feed them or not

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Who are you to say that I don’t see connections where there aren’t any? just because you talk to her and like this kingdom? There’s going to be herding sheep, do you think I’m going to give some consideration to what you tell me, you need to grow up more, I have twice as much time as you here at VHTV. go eat yorgutes and leave my posts alone, just as I leave the nonsense you say to your post.In the same way that you think that those who are screaming are the minority, I think that those who are screaming are not even half of those who are dissatisfied and are much more than those who are. Until you show me statistically otherwise, I will completely disbelieve you.


I said, “Smart,” Chad! Please read and comprehend, not read to respond to be right about what you’re trying to convey.

Intelligent and being smart are two different things, and I have not spoken about her intelligence.


For me, smart and intelligent are the same thing, you need to understand that for me they are the same thing, unless for you, smart is cunning, cunning, then it’s on the negative side. but I understand that the way you say it, for me, see for me, smart is synonymous with intelligent, but intelligent for me is different from wise. and that’s simple, there’s no way for a person to be smart on the positive side, without being intelligent, unless it’s on the negative side, as I said above, then it could be different

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You don’t know her personally to say she is not intelligent. You don’t interact with her and didn’t grow up with her, so to say she is unintelligent is meh.

She is smart about what she does on this site, and I gave her credit for that. Some of the things other women have endured to remain relevant here are wild and were shot-lived.

She does what she does well in this area, and I think she is smart for it. That is what my smart is based on.

That is me ending this conversation about that.

Oh, but then you’re already jumping out of the boat. If that’s the case, you can’t even say anything, no one can say anything, because we don’t know her personally. This argument you can’t say anything because you don’t know her personally is simply stupid, it’s like arguing whether God exists or doesn’t exist. The very reason for this forum to exist is to say things about the participants giving their opinions without knowing the people personally, if I needed to know her to say something about her, the very reason this forum exists would be ruined. This is about opinions and not certainties, both mine and yours, and for that to happen, no one needs to know anyone personally.


It really isn’t that serious, like get a grip! :rofl:

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

I can confirm that there was in fact a loggia camera before why it was removed i will never know,

Het is duidelijk dat de ene bewoner hier meer mag dan een andere bewoner in een rijk .
En daarmee moeten wij het doen .
En Ariela weet duidelijk hoe je de cams kan omzeilen .
Laat ons hopen dat ze deze maand geen geld zal tekort hebben .

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In French it means “that it makes many people go for not much”. Or "a lot of discussions to end up with nothing.

Be Cool.
Ariela leads her life as she wishes. Neither you nor I will change that.

Watched and appreciated.



Seb moved it to the bathroom. It’s the one with the high angle. His reasoning was that they didn’t use the loggia for much more than storage, so the cam was wasted there.

correction: this is the camera above the bed, not in the bathroom

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The bathroom was where Seb put it first.

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