Ariela (Part 2)

Let me gather my things, the fanboys will soon be brewing their coffees and teas, let me roll out as I know they are coming to tear my arse UP! :rofl: :rofl:

Run Omg GIF by Kick Game


I Think it’s a very nice, honest, legitimate, statement

Wait for me I’m coming too :rofl:



She’s gone and left Frodo with Sam.
Lord Of The Rings Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

No kitchen camera at all Ticket send

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Ariela said goodbye to the kind Guests who obviously be looking after the Realm while she is away…


Bwahahahahahaha :laughing:

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Proud Of You Yes GIF

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Even if it won’t interest some people: the kitchen timeline is complete except for a gap around midnight. The camera failure therefore had no local cause.

and apart from that, I find it extremely amusing that there are some people here who think Ariela is fiction… but Flora is/was real. There’s no way to top this satire


You’re not going to include another forum member’s favorite woman here, are you?

With regard to the kitchen cameras, you can now clearly see that this was probably a programming error, perhaps even on the part of VHTV. If the cameras had been offline, the data would have been lost.

At that time, VHTV simply did not control the two kitchen cameras. In the event of a camera failure, an error message would have been displayed.

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Did they, didn’t they, i don’t care because when Ariella came in from the balcony she was glowing and the happiest i have seen her in ages so whatever you are doing , mr guitar man, keep it up.

If I remember correctly, Ariela never told us about her situaion or asked for donations, the only information ever came from JonR, who is in somewhat closer contact.

In fact, when that situation came up, because for several reasons I dislike the coin donation system, I wrote her a message, asking if I could support her directly with bitcoin. (I guess I,m a stupid fanboy…)

To which she never replied, either because she didn’t want to ask for money or, perhaps more likely, she never read that message. Her inbox is probably flooded with 50 % marriage proposals and 50 % rude accusations. However, if she had been fishing for donations, she most probably would have been monitoring her inbox very closely.


Either my reading is biased or I can think of another participant who got at least one “loan” that later caused trouble. :thinking: :shushing_face:

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It has been said several times that the exclusive was Andrey’s…so it wasn’t true? Why does he need to hide?
If these are his choices you know where you are then just do it
don’t you think so?

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Rar, Rar, i lost my bra, i left my knickers in my boyfriends car.

Here it was a real quick fix of cameras. Just remove them from the list! :joy: :roll_eyes:
Edit update: They are back!

btw: unlike a certain other person who I would rather not name again (and yes, I was actually asked this question… and by another person from the same management), Ariela did not ask me directly for financial help or asked me to ask others. We just talked, and when I wanted to know why she hadn’t made a doctor’s appointment yet, it came up that she was short on cash at the moment.
the result was my post at the time:

Of course, I already knew at the time that I had painted a target on my back. But that was my personal decision, not an order

and as for andrey: as long as he was there, he was exclusive, as we could see. when he left, ariela told me that she doesn’t know if he’ll ever come back to her. he has an engagement abroad for 3 months, and after that for up to 6 more months in another country. and she has doubts as to whether their ‘relationship’ will survive this time unscathed. she knows him better than we do, and doesn’t believe that she was as important to him emotionally as he was to her…


After getting mutually excited on the sofa in the living room (under the blanket), Ariela went into hiding to make love with him on the terrace in front of the kitchen!
I don’t think that’s right…
As ‘voyeurs’, we’re paying to see something… not participants who go into hiding places to have sex!
Why is she hiding?


why do you think she wants to hide… and not him?

In the meantime i watched the scene on the balcony:
I see his butt with pants, later apparently without pants, and her arms around his neck… and at the beginning 2 shadows of about the same size standing in front of each other. The rest is ambiguous

What I don’t see, however, are the typical hip movements during sex. And the noises that usually accompany it are also missing

If I had to guess: maybe a blow job or a hand job. But the argument against that is that he came back to the kitchen with a pretty hard-on in his pants and went to get something to drink. it certainly didn’t look like ‘relaxation’

o muista de femeie, stai dracu la pula fa :))))