Apartments totally wasted

Something that I have noticed, it’s abit strange, but they’ve actually been on the thumbnails alot more since the other couple moved out.
Also, if being on the thumbnails at prime time is the only criteria for judging if someone is doing good or not, then Ambar & Dane is the best of them all.

I don’t know if it’s the most important criteria, but for sure one of them; if flat is on the top 6, it means many people watch it, what in turn means more money goes to this flat; at least this is what people often say here; those girls’ flat isn’t on the top frequently;

Having just read through this marathon I am coming to the conclusion that too many don’t really know what they want and whatever is served up there will always be those who moan about it. So you can’t win either way or whatever direction it goes,however, i do agree there is too much of the lazy element by just shoving pussy’s in cams etc but having said that they are always in the previews so many are watching so really you pays your money and you takes your choice. What do people really want? God knows but there does come a point where one can get fed up with seeing too much sex and cock sucking etc but again they are always in the previews so many would seem to be happy. I don’t know what the answer is and probably never will.

But i do agree on one thing and that there are too many loafers about who are basically earning money by just taking the piss and doing nothing but just parading around, do members really want photo studio’s and camming shows which you can get free elsewhere. Strange eh.

So much of the VH policy is confusing, for example, they remove one useless apartment namely Hannah & Tommy and replace it with another exactly the same this being Josie & Liam, comical eh.

Just to conclude may i pass an opinion on this new forum. To be honest i find the whole interface rather busy and slightly confusing and disjointed. I think VH have gone a bit over the top with it’s format and perhaps trying to do too much all at once or trying to be too clever but then maybe i haven’t fully got used to it yet but I still prefer the much simpler and effective style of CamCaps. No doubt both sites will have their fans.

Thank you for your condensed feedback.
That’s what we’re working on. Maybe it is hard for us sit in both chairs, aiming to satisfy any category of viewers & balancing the content quality, which is a very complex thing, despite it may not look so from the outside. Anyway we’re continuing working on project and have enormous plans for future development too. 5 years is not a joke for us, we got so much expertise while keeping leading positions. We are doing our best to use the experience we have to build a much stable yet growing in profit set of projects. In the end, it’s the subscribers we are grateful for these opportunities.

I personally get you. I love classic layout better, but the more I use Discourse, the more fluid it becomes to me. Give it a time and you will find it a as convenient as classic forums. We considered all popular solutions for forum boards, yet Discourse checked all the most important points. We will help them by improving this open-source software with their community.


A post was split to a new topic: Notifications count & additional post reactions

A couple of things both pertinent here. One of the things that elevates Stephanie and Agnia’s aprtments from the mediocre is the exceptional camera placing. The shower in Stephanies and the hip height placing in both. Well done VHTV as for this forum, i am not knowledgeable of others to compare it with but find that yes it has added another dimension to my viewing. A lot of BS from some people but amusing , probably unintentionally .


James there is no doubt that Amy can make you take a _____ or two :slight_smile:

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From my point of view, some good participants will not join the project because they are afraid that video will be archived, then reuploaded for free downloading. Therefore, only people who are porn actors already or people who has nothing to lose will join.

People need a right to be forgotten.

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The idea of showing sex of ordinary people in their houses is doomed to failure from the beginning; only people who fully, or partially are engaged in a sex business, can do it without concerns, and you could eventually demand from them to show more than just how they do dishes :+1:

Nina & Kira in my book anybody who lets a parrot fly around and poop in there hair is ok in my book, although of late the two cats provide more action trying to catch the parrots than the two ladys getting or seeing any action.

I quite liked that one when ‘Lex’ was there but only because he’d lay around on his bed naked sometimes. :blush:

helena, christopher, demi and ashton. The most boring people i have ever seen in my life they just play video games all day and watch tv and none of them like sex, no parties and boring guests.

Honestly, I am going to take a hiatus, I don’t know what is going on with the project lately, but it’s not the same, and I feel like the last few months I’ve been just giving money to watch people s___p, and look at empty apartments and it’s pissing me off. I’ve got 4 days left of my premium and that’s it for now. Hopefully, in fall into winter things will get better.

i agree with you pal :+1: :+1:

Ecclesiastes 7:10:

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

this is true but Stephanie is a very sexy girl

Seems like, in Steph’s apartment they listen to the complains about boring and wasting appartments, and they find a solution to create “content” for the VHTV guests… :smiley:

She laying all day like this in “pussy-cam” position… I think, we should to be satisfied… :rofl:

Iam very ,what a great girl

Ironia - the place where irons live.

those who piss in bed like to see that kind of furniture.