Amelie, Oscar & Pearl

It is because of you and of course Lucas himself, that we are indeed able to write about him.

Those of us who have had the honour and privledge to watch your realm for some time, have I am certain, been able to enjoy some lovely moments that you and he willingly shared with all of us.

From my own perspective, I have a number of very fond memories of watching Lucas and I even had a couple of opportunities to exchange some friendly and quite light hearted words with him, here on yours and his forum page, nearer to the time it came into being.

I can assure you (and I know you will understand this), he is not someone I will easily forget.

May you continue to live in as much peace and safety as possible.
:uk: :hugs: :ukraine:


@Amelie_Lucas That is so sweet to hear about ur new tattoo Lucas will never be forgotten by us and I hope and pray u stay safe and and I will always stand behind u and support u always Iā€™m sure a lot of forum members will agree also I know I sound like a broken record but Iā€™m just telling you that I always think about ur safety and u will always be in my heart always :hugs:


hello @Amelie_Lucas we users try with a sentence a message a video etc. to do the best we can to be able to cheer you up at this difficult time for youā€¦(if I could I would do it in person but unfortunately we live too far away) so I hope a post of support can cheer you up a little bit even though I can imagine it is a very difficult thingā€¦ :hugs: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Peaceful Amelie reminisces? :heart_eyes:


Mourning, how do you do that?
Anyone who has ever experienced grief will agree: there is no conclusion to one phase, after which you move on to the next. Sometimes you skip a phase. Or do you just hang around. Sometimes you go back to the first phase completely unexpectedly. So every person deals with loss differently.

There are different emotions and reactions you can expect during grief. You may experience, among other things, disbelief, denial, anger, intense sadness, guilt, powerlessness, physical complaints, a feeling of numbness and loneliness.

Every situation and every person is different, so is every grieving process. Yet we see, in the conversations we have with relatives and psychologists and in the research we do, that certain things can help you slowly but surely get back on track.

Tips for grieving include:

get enough rest;
accept and let go of oneā€™s own emotions;
feeling the pain of loss;
seek support from those around you (and be open to this);
talk about it;
seek professional help if you need it;
seeking distraction (listening to music, exercising);
write down your feelings, and
keep looking for company.
These tips can be helpful, but will not always work and/or for everyone. Sometimes you are not ready to talk about the loss, for example. Grief processing also does not happen in one step-by-step motion; it is an erratic process. ā€˜How do you grieve?ā€™ is therefore a difficult question to which there is no clear answer. But one thing is certain: you canā€™t do it right or wrong.



fantastic , just one thing and its to do with your comment , punctuation is important ,as you comment reads that bluewinner is your boyfriend lol . and @shojo will not be happy :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:


Iā€™m Japanese. Give me a break :grimacing:
but i am in Tokio now. Donā€™t think he will come here.


@Tanoshimu great job absolutly beautifull


Peopleā€™s good intentions are taken for granted, but I wonder to what extent it is good to constantly post photos and videos of Lucas, she will always have Lucas in her memory and in her mind, she will not need anyone to remind her, but She will also have to overcome the grief and sooner or later she will have to turn the page, licking the wound is logical and normal for a while but exposing the past before her eyes day after day I donā€™t think it will help her look forward. Itā€™s just an opinion, other peopleā€™s problems are the ones with the easiest solutions. With all my affection to Amelie :heart:


Catalonia scroll up to 4852 :+1:


amelie said there is no problem with posting videos or photos of her together with lucasā€¦in fact she said she apreciate them very muchā€¦


I have already said that I am not Dr. Freud and I do not believe I am in possession of the truth, I am just saying that your natural process right now will be to lick the wound and wrap yourself in your memories and it is normal and fine, but be careful not to feed this too much. trend.


CataluƱa tiene razĆ³n segĆŗn mi.opinion

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i understand what @Catalonia meansā€¦reminding amelie every second with posts and photos or videos of lucas can sink her even deeperā€¦

In addition to the fact that everything is still very recent, I donā€™t think she needs daily reminders, she must follow her process, accept it and overcome it and we must respect her and help her if we can do so in any way.


on this I agree with you and a pain that will never go awayā€¦the only way is to live with itā€¦ :cry:

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The worst thing is the circumstances, so young, the fucking warā€¦


True but itā€™s not our decision how she should give this a place if Amelie asked for it. Is it right? I donā€™t know but after both posts from Bluewinner, Shojo and all others maybe itā€™s time for us to let it go now. If they werenā€™t offline i guess we had more pages of Eros and we wouldnā€™t talk so much about it now. Bloody War.


Iā€™m going to step outside this speech for a momentā€¦biden resigned and trump in case he wins says he can end the war in two minutesā€¦(maybe some Americans can believe it but in my opinion itā€™s just a farce since trump adores putin )ā€¦when the war started trump called putin a geniusā€¦

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