Amelie, Oscar & Pearl

I have never been there (to any of the states at all) but maybe one day I will. I would actually like to. There are plenty of them to choose from but not sure which one I would start with.


Florida is lovely as well especially the everglades.
Of course we had to visit the theme parks, for the kids of course, well not really kids then, but gave me an excuse :wink:

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Well from LA, Frisco, San Diego, Vegas, Grand Canyon etc, they all had their interesting points.
The Grand Canyon was weird, you start off at ground level in the blistering heat and end up in the snow at the Canyon rim, that was in the early part of the year, Feb/march i think.
Not sure though if the general atmosphere is that convivial now if you believe all the media hype and reports.

@VHTV_James the amelie and lucas apartment comes back online on october 1, 2024 or january 10, 2024? thank you very much…

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if vhtv uses the same date that we see in the apartments it means that amelie comes back on january 10, 2024…(of course i hope together with lucas)…


@Amelie_Lucas Happy Holidays :hugs:
Merry Christmas Hug GIF by jon hanlan


for users who have not yet understood vhtv has changed the writing of this apartment’s return online so that even a c___d understands that they are back online on Jan. 10…

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But c___dren are not allowed to be on this website. :crazy_face:

Are you sure with what some write on this site. :crazy_face:

To Amelie & Lucas


Wishes for spiritual strength
Wishes the New Year to bringing You & Lucas together forever


can anyone upload amelie tanya kiss and amelie bella kiss video

can anyonee ?

Amelie and Lukas. I hope you can read this message. And you are safe.
Nevertheless, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy new year with lots of luck and health. :heart: :heart: :heart:

I also wish you much success and, above all, peace!

The same goes for everyone reading this!


Unfortunately the word Peace seems to be falling on deaf ears in so many parts of our world right now, just don’t know where it will all end. :cry:

Yes, it is very sad that we still have to deal with it at all in the 21th century.
Unfortunately, I think it’s going to get worse.
Very, very sad! :cry:

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We are already in the 21st century… :wink:

Right, I have corrected it, thanks for the hint :+1:

Think you may well be right, so many these days seem to glorify in warfare.
We have Argentina wanting to claim the Falklands again and now we have Venezuala climbing on the band wagon about Guyana. Seems rather ironic that it’s only since oil has been found in Guyana waters.

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I am not informed as far as that goes. But unfortunately the so-called West with the USA as a world power (if it still is one?) can no longer look after the whole world. Everyone now has enough work to do at home. There are hardly any countries left (except in the Arab and Asian regions) that are not heavily indebted. In addition, there will be more and more people for less and less living space.

But let’s keep hoping for now. And move happily into the new year. Today should not be the day for gloom. Cheers. :beer: :heart: