Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Thank youšŸ˜˜

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Manager canā€™t do anything here. This is internal VHTV system


Oh ok but why then havenā€™t they fixed it. I assume it has been reported to support before.

Sparkles reported it but most likely they did not understand. That is why I will wait til the right guy is on duty. :wink:

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Well if their manager check his places at least once in 5 days he could had notice that there was a big mess at realm8 and do something to solve it directly ā€¦ But guess what only matters is receive the money in the end of the month

Perhaps someone could show where the correct cams correspond with the way they were before when contacting support.

Managers talk to the same support as we do. :see_no_evil: :wink:

That is exactly what I will do :+1:

Like this sent on saturday?

Talks if he cares with itā€¦ Surely wasnā€™t the case or the problem would already be fixed now. As this only affects tenants, they donā€™t care at all


I will try again tonight. Dwayne solved some confused cams in no time beforeā€¦

Have you tried rebooting the cam in the bedroom by unplugging it, wait approx. 1 minute and then plugging it back in?

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That wonā€™t help as VHTV put it off the listā€¦

to me my question is what are the passions of all the managers and they neglect the apartments and vhtv is not interested in fixing the problems :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What happened to cause the cams not to correspond with the correct layout and rooms in the first place.

You are not here for long? Arenā€™t you. It is basically like that all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

MIVSF - Major Internal VHTV System Fuckup :joy:

we were together once in vv and then here 2017 :rofl: :rofl:

Typical waiting for a man (Dwayne) to come and do a job a woman (Virginia) couldnā€™t :joy: :joy:

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Virginia could do too but she is mainly very busy and badly effected by war :cry: