Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Most likely it got forgotten or they did not understand what you meant. :wink:

the money loss is because of the strange rules in the ā€œbest apartmentā€ discussionā€¦

that is the reason i donā€™t want to pay for this anymore

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Could you summarize the issue?

No the money loss is because one of their top cams is now free

That ā€œrulesā€ for the best manager apartment donā€™t enter in this big mess. And in case you didnā€™t read who gets the money is the manager that doesnā€™t eve have to share/give the money to anyone if he wants to keep it for him self

Well i guess i was clear enough. Didnā€™t mention at time the detail of the free cam because only notice today without login that also had affected that

Since yesterday issues from electricity at realm8 there is a major confusion about the cam links (Kitchen and Living Room - Others are fine) that i believe it may be a big issue when saving to archive besides doesnā€™t make any sense according to cam list and house plan image.

When you go to Kitchen Cam 11 it opens what before was Kitchen Cam 12

When you go to Kitchen Cam 12 it opens what before was Living Room Cam 13

When you go to Living Room Cam 13 it opens what before was Living Room Cam 14

When you go to Living Room Cam 14 it opens what before was Kitchen Cam 11

Living Room Cam 15 keeps the same position and all is OK

what they get is none of my bussines, it is just the way it went!

She was happy they had the first place and then a few hours later another realm was called the winner by the team

It is clear to me. Did Dwayne answer to it?

Did you also report the missing bedroom cam?

Was working at time

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And I thought it never came online after the offline timeā€¦

Donā€™t know when was out, but i saved a moment there from 26

Has the incorrect cameras been reported.

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Yes Sparkles did it. But I will report is tonight again when Dwayne is on duty. He is the best on support besides Virginia :+1:

So guys, Should I put free camera back in the kitchen? We really donā€™t know how it has happened

Well you did nothing wrong. VHTV in their internal system confused the cams. This also has the effect now when I want to look for the living room scenes in archives I have to select the kitchen cam :see_no_evil:

I will explain to them in detail tonight again.

Understand, so the fastest way to change cameras

I do not think you should physically change them. For VHTV this is just some changes to make in their system. The problem is they did not understand the ticket Sparkles made.

But you can fix the not working bedroom cam :wink:

I also canā€™t fix it by myself. It disappeared from the list of cams, and I canā€™t do anything, only vhtv

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I will report all the mess tonight. I just wait til the right guy is on duty. He is cool. Also from your country :+1: :heart:


You should get your manager to fix it.