Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Unfortunately it’s true, I say unfortunately because of Lucas, I say again that in that situation, you could see Tanya’s openness and willingness.

You’re inferring they are working to a plan Blue? Surely not :rofl:

lucas Tanya is responding to your touch, you both need to go a little further and watch to level of passion start to rise, its your move, Amelie has tried to guide you. good luck my friend it will happen you three are great together. thanks for a great show

What Lucas needs is a strategic retreat, the more involved the two of them, the more likely he has something tanya in the future. that way, one thing or another will change, but everything will remain the same, this sex who doesn’t even move

Ah well glad I haven’t wasted 3 hours or so of my time but then am not surprised :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Maybe an off-camera, serious conversation to decide how far the 3 of you want to go

Oops this one at least was coherent, he’s enjoying what he’s seeing and he’s thanking him.

you already know what happened, right? you don’t know, use the timeline and see if anyone change their position for 3 hours, and then you’ll notice that you saved 3 hours of your time

There is a very strong and beautiful bond between Lucas and Amélie, everything will have to be well spoken of

yeah that’s another thing, sometimes they don’t even want Amelie to be alone with Tanya. It’s okay with them, however, that kind of entertainment for me is very boring boring.

Sorry that they did not act out your fantasies. but what you have been repeating is just in your head. Tanya doesn’t seem to be a lesbian, if she was she couldn’t resist Amelie, I don’t see that kind of passion in her. last time when Amelie went down on her, it was a green light for her to do the same, but all she did was continuing to kiss her. there is no spark between the two girls as much as you like to make us to believe otherwise. This has been supposed to be a threesome from the start not lesbian sex, but you just don’t get it my friend. :wink:

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What ? my fantasy ? stop with that, we are talking about an obvious fact that you go around. I ask you something, if you liked what you saw, thank Lucas, if you didn’t, don’t say I’m fantasizing. Whether they’re going to leave the two alone or not is their problem, what’s my problem is that this type of entertainment I saw today is very boring, and look that I only used the replay and didn’t follow anything live.

How long has this charade been going on for now? A week,week and a half lol well the only success has been a great boost to their bank account :rofl: I wonder how much longer they are gonna suck you guys in :rofl:

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and another thing Amelie is professional she doesn’t even like being with Tanya with Lucas close but she does it because it’s professional, so if she didn’t do anything before when the two were alone doesn’t mean she won’t do it if they talk to do it, you know. ? she is professional and acts for the money

Apparently it works, no ?

what do you mean ?

Acting for money. They all do that, isn’t it ?

What he means is that they are taking the piss :rofl:

yes almost everthing its about money, and she does it very well

Your 151 comments in this thread tells another story my friend. you are very intrigued by what’s going on here, if you were bored of their show you wouldn’t be commenting and trying to act as a porn director here. it’s obvious that your fantasy is to see Amelie with Tanya doing some hot lesbian stuff ( and there is nothing wrong with that :yum:), but like I said they don’t seem to be that attracted to each other, at least for now, and that seems to be frustrating you a lot :grinning: hence you repeat yourself for 100 times here. :wink:

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