Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Even very well ! :wink:

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232 comments shows you are sucked in more than anyone else here :sweat_smile:


you are the worst analyst we have here, at first when you talked to me a while ago about the couple Penny and Peter, who form into the bathroom and turn off the camera, you thought i was gay and wanted to see both men naked . ahahaah. You are making a big mistake in what you are thinking about me, but its your right. Take care

All that’s left is for you to thank Lucas for the night, know-it-all

You reckon,not been logged in all night just logged in just now to see how the latest fiasco is panning out and by the sound of it the same old crap :rofl:

LOL Okay I thank Lucas if that makes you happy and you can s___p better :laughing: but I do not have any expectation nor I am trying to direct them to act out my fantasy. I am merely a viewer. I watch their apartment if I like what I see and just switch to something else when It doesn’t interest me. TBH I wasn’t that impressed with their show (?) tonight, so I didn’t really feel so thankful :grinning: but I do it for you. :sweat_smile: : @Amelie_Lucas Thank you for your efforts :yum: Hope it goes better next time :wink:

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man forget about me, you’re always wrong about me, forget about me and do something else useful, try to get it right this time, because about me, you just make mistakes.

You’re a good company man Blue keep up the good work you’re doing a sterling job :sweat_smile::+1:

And you’ve had sex with him, you haven’t let go of Lucas tonight

OK, I do believe you :rofl:


Good for you :+1: Well done :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

how can you have a silly guy like that, he thinks all my messages are about Amelie and Lucas kkkkk, here I use it for conventional chat, I’ve even talked about pomeranian here.

If you just use it for “conventional chat”, why don’t you do it in let say " Herctor & Marla" or " Candy Red " or any other thread ? :laughing: you are obviously very interested in Amelie and what’s going on in this apartment :yum: you can go back and read your comments, you have repeated the same request for 100 times " asking Lucas to leave so you can watch Amelie and Tanya doing lesbian stuff together" :grinning:

because here are the people I talk to in a conventional way, even now, I’m not now talking about Lucas or Amelie, I’m telling you to continue being this beautiful boy who helps everyone, and is a fellow staffer there. now about amelie and lucas i would like to see something that really happens, it could be a threesome, a lesbian sex between tanya and amelie, it’s not a matter of having this specific fantasy, it’s a matter of seeing something that isn’t boring like this being for me.

Well, there is nothing wrong with having a fantasy, you don’t need to feel bad about it. we all have them :wink: and, one day it might happen, I am sure you be watching as always frame by frame when it does happen :yum: anyway, it was nice chatting with you. have good night. :hugs:

but if i had i would have no problem saying. Actually what I want to see here is something that really happens, it could even be Amelie and Lucas having threesomes with the parrot, as long as they change position and fuck for real hahahaha. good night

I am looking forward to seeing the money gets her to take it in the other hole sooner than later.

Someone was saying not long ago; they pay the rent and don’t make money; they don’t get paid; they only do this because they enjoy. I found this hard to believe.

Well i am sorry if i am only saying what other people in the last 150 posts have already said but here is my view. I am not into conspiracy theories but realise that money does come into it and Amelie and Lucas are milking it for all it’s worth. However i also believe it is a genuine play by a loving ( and very goodlooking) couple to enjoy a bit of joint on the side together. They have enjoyed Tanya’s company socially and she seems to be the right girl. They have groomed her to this stage and she is a willing participant but NOT interested in Lucas sexually. She is too polite to stop him pulling her panties off, partly because she knows Amelie will get there eventually, but immediately crosses her ankles to keep him away. And they stay crossed until he has stopped being amorous towards her. Meantime she will not relinquish amelies mouth to Lucas at all. She stays clamped on like a limpet. ( OMG i haven’t felt one like that for years) Lucas may have to accept the fact that he is not going to get her, unless she rationalises that to get extended play with Amlie she will have to let him have a ‘sympathy fuck.’ And of course she may just be a virgin. Not that we see many of them in these apartments… This may all be a first to her and she is slowly becoming accustomed to the idea of being a lesbian.

When is your movie coming out, you had me spellbound :laughing:

You nicely summed up my posts somewhere around the 1900 numbers. Unfortunately, such writing will label you for an emotionally involved idiot for some.

But don’t bother. Someone summed it up well last time, the loudest are the biggest fans/observers.

You are enjoying it and that’s all what matters.