
Looks as though Kano has been roped in to keep the place open for whoever.
Must have someone lined up else they may as well take it offline until such time.
He hasn’t cleaned the b___dy kitchen though :joy:

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Has it happened anything interesting at realm 62 for a while now, anyway, or what? The interesting activity rate seems to be either very low or at the bottom level. :revolving_hearts:

Perhaps he’s on strike… fed up with being sent to s__tty apartments that are almost in need of a pest controller! :laughing:

Maybe the manager needs sacking :joy:

I would think, instead of putting the place to “vacation” status at the bottom of the panel,

Alida decided to keep the place “open” to gain even if only some viewers.

Maybe she needs the money, and Chyna and Kano were ready to " help her out " so she can have a rest somewhere.(… and recover from the Gerda-episode :laughing: :laughing:)

Any closer to a decision about who the new resident at realm 62 will be? Or am I just nagging unnecessarily maybe? :slight_smile:

I have been askking for a while now as it’s obvious it’s being kept open for a reason.
Any yet they want to open a News Section, what’s the point of that if they never tell you fucakall :joy: :joy: :joy:

So no obvious final decision yet then I assume. That is accordingly to what I was thinking in the first place. Unsurprisingly. :slight_smile: :hugs:

I think Kaya mentioned, that Alida is on a planned vacation, so I assume, that she’s coming back, and for the meantime Chyna is entitled via VHTV management to use the place for a while.

True, except unfortunately we don’t know when Alida will be back


I understand that Gerda definitely has left the project? That is correct, right? :hugs:

Well for a vacation she certainly took all her belongings :roll_eyes:

Yes that is correct. The infos I have also differ a bit from Kayas as I heard Alida left the project.

Considering what she took with her i would have thought leaving was much nearer the truth than vacation. :rofl:

So Alidas eventual departure is not definitely confirmed yet? Correct? :hugs:

:rofl: Apparently the staff seem to have conflicting views.
ie…The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing :joy: :joy: :joy:

Maybe she declared her absence as vacation, but isn’t sure, if she wants to return to the circus after a break, and thus took her stuff, so she wouldn’t have to come back to clear the apartment.

Wasn’t that what Auriel and Sarah did, first marked as vacation, then changed into left the project.

That would off course spare out a giant going-away-party. :rofl: :rofl:

Well, that with the left hand versus the right hand is a definite none issue for me at least. I know what hand I am using and what that hand is doing. Luckily. :hugs: :rofl:

It’s just a UK saying for when no one knows what they are doing :joy:
You see you are learning all the time. :+1:

same saying in Germany.