
Even more apt then :joy: :joy: :joy:

I am 99,9% sure she left the project. Might return as a guest.

Ok, I see I see. I took the literal meaning of the saying a little bit too literally then. I am very sorry. Then I did learn something new today. I am glad for that. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Don’t say that too often, VHTV is gonna raise prices, as educational web-site. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What are they going to educate the new participants as then? Nun school apprentice? :slight_smile:

Would have hated to have cast aspersions :joy:

My pal Tyrese may have to look that word up :wink:

I would have thought so as she left with everything but the kitchen sink :rofl:

Yes, you have to explain that a little bit more to me. :hugs: :slight_smile: Aspersions is not a word I use very often in english. :slight_smile: :hugs:

Jokingly. In football, the new coach is only announced when the club has already been relegated anyway.
It’s about a kingdom that is crumbling.
But to create a new kingdom. it takes time. And then it’s no use, like in Formula 1, to put go cards in the front row. It’s about people who can keep the spectators. That’s not easy, I think. :pensive:

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Aspersion or Aspersions.
A criticism or suggestion or remark that could damage another person’s reputation.

To leave with everything but the kitchen sink is just a comical phrase we english use when somebody leaves with everything they own or have.

Here endeth the english lesson, no doubt more may follow pal :rofl:
Feel free to ask anytime :wink:

Well, you were right in your assumption. I did look it up first. :hugs: :slight_smile:

That educational website Kade mentioned? What are they going to offer then? Weaning therapy? Was that a little bit too much? :slight_smile: :hugs:

Are you meaning the proposed News Section they have been going on about for b___dy months? :joy:

Well, that too, yes. But he mentioned that VHTV is going to raise the prices, as educational website. :joy:

I have a feeling he was taking the piss a bit or being very sarcastic :joy:
As if we need educating eh pal :wink: :rofl:
After all how can they reaily raise prices on an ever declining service :roll_eyes:

Well, to say it straight out as it is. Personally I do not feel like I need weaning therapy. Absolutely not. I do not want it at all. :joy: :rofl:

You don’t like sucking tits then? :joy: :joy: :joy:

Well, I have done that too during my life. Sucking tits. Enough about that. You get the basic point. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Lips are sealed :hugs:

Well, I can stand that fact very well. No problem at all. :joy:

Don’t make things complicated.

If you mention too often, that you learned something for the day,

you learned, and thus it’s an educational website. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was a joke, and jokes, that need explanation are rubbish, so just forget about it. :wink: :wink: