
Yes he is and often i think he thinks he is still living there :laughing:

I also think the Henry is incapable of moving forward with his life and tends to live looking in his rear view mirror (I hope that makes sense)

Yep makes perfect sense to me Iain. :+1:

Vielleicht Veska ?

Maybe but i would prefer a completely fresh person or couple or else we just end up with the same old faces.
Soley a personal preference but I agree that Veska is easy on the eye.

Ja verstehe was du meinst , schauen wir mal wenn henry aus dem Hut zaubert !

As long as it ain’t a b___dy rabbit :laughing:

do you mean helicopter ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Jabbath gib mal ein Tipp

I think Henry should hire a house keeper for doing the dishes in the 3 appartments managed by him (Trisha, Alida and Gerda)

who ever takes it on henry will muck it up

Bye Alida, wish you all the best in life :heart_eyes:

May see you as a guest perhaps sometime? :wink:


A new girl who’s never been here?

New Girl ?

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Has it been apparent for a while that she was leaving? It seems a bit sudden and quick.
Maybe that also explains why Gerda suddenly moved in with Henry. That also came as a surprise to me :thinking:

No not particulary though she has seemed to divorce herself from many goings on lately and been having earlier nights, which i had thought was unlike her, but never really thought past that i suppose.

You have a name ready, it looks like we are going to see his first shower. :rofl: :rofl:

Well well well is Chyna the new occupant?

That was a blurry picture. Pretty unclear. :heart:

@jabbath1987 Ok when is the apartment name being changed to Chyna then :laughing: