
Is she leaving the Project?

Yes. But there will be a new girl soon :wink:

Danke für die Information :wink:

Won’t seem the same without Alida but at least it’s clever enough of her to know when to move on, she has been a great participant
I wish her nothing but the best of luck in her future life. :heart_eyes: :hugs:


Vielleicht zieht ja Mira da ein :smiley:

Meinst Du? Ich hoffe das da jemand neues kommt. Ich bin gespannt.

Haha nein war nur Spaß , ich glaub eher jemand bekanntes quasi von ihrer Clique

Would be better to have someone completely new and to start afresh as that would hopefully bring more interest.

Stimmt ich bin auch für jemand neues …

I agree. Even if I am for that the old can stay old, the best thing will be to bring in someone completely new. Not only to maintain the interest, but also to bring new kind of energy and more fresh interest even higher up. That is the best to do. In my opinion. :hugs: :slight_smile:

And the manager wants to replace that clapped out sofa bed for one that isn’t falling apart every five minutes :rofl:

Finally I (Snoopy) can move back home to my sill. VHTV will send someone to feed me!! :smile:

Too much history, it just needs a good clear out and a fresh start in that place.

The carpenters are too bad at their work then. Their reinf___ement work need to be enhanced. I assume. :hugs: :joy: :rofl:

Maybe its time to call the owner for new furnishings all over the place? :rofl:

Yes, I agree with that. Not a bad idea. But to repeat what I have said before. I am not only here to watch the creative carpet patterns. The curtain colours. The walls decorations. The furniture paintings. Or the furniture cleanings to dry eventually. If you all understand what I mean. :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

Ist nicht Henry der Manager ?

I do see your point, however a lady will feel better and be more at ease in a clean and tidy apartment with nice furnishings and an elegant feel to the realm.

I agree with that. But I still stand by my basic points. :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:

Lets hope Mira takes it on , she would be at home there