
How quickly that can change. A few days ago we were still talking about Gerda at Alida’s, how well or badly she was doing there.
And now there is already someone new in the flat.
Then we can only wish Alida all the best and much success and health for her future life.

And at the same time, a warm welcome to the new resident.

Noch ist nichts bestätigt…

You are quite right nothing has yet and we may be completely wrong but she must have had a key to get in.?

Ja stimmt , naja mal sehen …

Will Chyna be soon in action given she is new flat occupant ?

We actually do not know that for certain yet. Just have to wait and see. I am sorry. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Good luck and all my best wishes to you, Alida :hugs:

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so is the apartment name going to become chyna? @kaya can you give us some updates thank you very much…

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I return from work with this sad news, without a doubt one of the participants I followed the most, may she be successful in what she chooses for her future

Ik denk Pia met Chyna en daar Veska by dit zou een mooie kwartet zyn

For that, I think, the place has not enough rooms,…unfortunately.

Chyna was there frequently lately, thus I think she would be highly ranking in possible successors after Alida.

Veska did her tryout in Henry’s place with Styopa, could be them as well.

But what if Mira gets the place as a single-realm ??

Wendy is visiting Henry frequently lately as well.

If wishes were allowed, I would like to see Carolyn.

Whoever it will be, I am sad to see Alida go.
:cry: :sob:

She will be missed

Would it be good for Gerda, if Chyna had the place, and Henry would be a frequent visitor?

And what if Chyna would decide to payback for the opportunity?

:imp: :imp: :imp:

For me Alida will be profoundly missed because of her genuinely caring personality. The caring component. :hugs: :slight_smile:

If Chyna is the new tenant Henry gave her a lousy housewarming party! :rofl:

What can I say about that without over stepping it? Henry is Henry then, huh? :hugs: :slight_smile:

Rather strange Alida leaving without even doing the dishes.

L O L Chyna doesn’t have any sex, so how is that going to work out?