Alicia & Aderyn

She does have a nice smile.

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Her name is Ruba

@John78 Thank you for the update.

Ah the girl who visited Y&E?

Yes, the one Yan fucked in the bathroom for Carlos :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :joy:

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Will add her to that place as well…

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Hey @Aderyn I’m not sure if that is how you are supposed to use that? :thinking: :nose:


I’m not sure which is worse, him using it that way or you not being sure he’s supposed to use it that way.


@Aderyn, @Alicia & @Astrid when will we get to see a trio from you three?? :thinking: :pleading_face: :smiling_imp:

It would be the best threesome ever!!! :fire:

:man_dancing: :dancing_women: :sweat_drops:



Cutties :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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you have my attention x2

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They both very pretty, what i can’t get is, what is happening here, Aderyn does the casting for Yan? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

What do you mean? Where’s the remotest connection with Yan, here?

I thought he was going to go to the gym. Maybe he’s working out with pop tarts :stuck_out_tongue:

First time the girl on the left was here, then she went at Yan and slept with him, that’s my connection

The one on the right looks like a different girl.

What do you mean by “casting for Yan” though? These are just 2 young ladies who are visiting Aderyn, a friend. Why would there be a need to read anything else into it?

Sorry David, it was only intended as a joke, quite innocent one IMO, i am not suggesting anything bad about Aderyn :heart: