Alicia & Aderyn

@Alicia You are one VERY lucky young woman but I expect you already knew that!



Oh my, hold your ears. the little boy has picked up a new hobby

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we all start somewhere, sorry, but for now I canā€™t play something more pleasing to your ears :wink:


its all good .thatā€™s what practicing is for :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Good Luck!

Well the place seems quite dead at the moment

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but only now, this afternoon, it was still quite alive

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Russian men donā€™t do s__t! The womenā€™s liberation movement really fucked us men!. Russian men only work around the houseā€¦. maybe ā€¦ā€¦.3% of what a Western European/American/Canadian (Iā€™m sure there are others) man will do. It seems 97% of the housework, laundry, cooking is done by Russian women. And what really gets me is the Russian men donā€™t seem to feel guilty sitting around playing with their dick while the woman works. For example: Take Aderyn and Alicia. I have observed Aderyn not do anything when Alicia goes out for hours. He sits around nude playing with his dick for hours and hours and not do anything to help out around the house. One day he spent hours playing with his dick and did not even have the gumption to clean the dishes that were dirty in the sink. Alicia had to do them! What goes on in his mind. Does he think he doesnā€™t need to do that because itā€™s womenā€™s work ā€“ or ā€“ it doesnā€™t even cross his mind that he could help out ā€“ or ā€“ it is beneath him to do any work around the house ā€“ or ā€“ heā€™s too dumb to realize if he did help out, it would make Alicia happy (better blowjobs) ā€“ or ā€“ Alicia has told him not to do anything, she wants to do it ā€“ or ā€“ heā€™s just lazy ā€“ or - other reasons I canā€™t even come up with. Itā€™s not like heā€™s the breadwinner of the household. Their earnings would be the sameā€¦ā€¦right? Heā€™s not alone. Can you think of any Russian man who helps out around the house? Kevinā€¦.who else? I think Iā€™ll use Aderyn as an example of laziness. When he lived with Yan and Flora he did not do s__t! I like the way he treats Alicia. I donā€™t cringe anymore when I watch. I do cringe when Alicia is doing something and he just sits and plays with his dick. Just think how much happier Alicia would be if he helped out more.

Just because you donā€™t like Aderyn (and I know you donā€™t because you have told us on previous occasions), please DO NOT tell lies about him.

I have lost count (very literally) of the number of times I have seen him enthusiastically doing the washing up after a meal (which HE has prepared, I might add) AND also doing various things such as routine or specific vacuuming and tidying of the apartment.

Donā€™t spend your energy on him Davidā€¦

That is all what he is after

Yes, good point actually. I just wonā€™t tolerate things being said about someone I like (slight understatement there), that simply are not true. I agree with the principle of what you are saying though.

We all know how it really isā€¦ I like Aderyn also ( not in the way you like him, but i could have a fun night _____ing beer with him)

All Lennie wants is attentionā€¦ negative or positive does not matter for himā€¦ He might get a hard one from thatā€¦ i will not give it to him :slight_smile:


Well I have had my ā€˜red rag to a bullā€™ moment so I wonā€™t be continuing with it myself, either. :slight_smile:

Aderyn lovers ā€“ did you see what he did tonight? He more than proved my point. He sat on the couch and played with his dick the whole time Alicia cooked dinner. She put the dinner on the table, he got up and ate dinner (like a pig). He did clear the table and put the dishes in the sink. Then he went back to the couch and played with his dick. Why couldnā€™t he at least have peeled the potatoes? Why could he not eat with Alicia? Why could he not do the dishes? He walked kind of weird. Is he hurting? Like I said, he proved my point already. He is lazy and weird!

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He does nothing to help Alicia and still gets a blow job and kinky sex! Lucky SOB!

So he does better than you and me

@Lukas156546 & @David we all know Lennie boy is a nasty bit of work. He takes extreme pleasure in abusing the participants, guests if they donā€™t conform to what Lennie boy thinks they should be doing. He increases his nastiness to them by making outrageous comments which are total lies, the classic being Aderyn and Malkus are freeloaders but canā€™t back the claim up with proof.

He extends his a___e and nastiness to us fellow commentators on this forum if you disagree with his views. He takes delight in winding you up and riling you so you respond which I have done, with equal venom and nastiness. He is arrogant and big headed by claiming he is always correct.

For the life of me I just donā€™t understand why someone can be so vile and nasty and how Lennie boy gets a kick out of it. I guess he must lead a very sad life.

It wouldnā€™t surprise me if Lennie boy takes what I have written here as a compliment and use it as a badge of honour.

But he always finds someone responding to himā€¦ in this case its you

I donā€™t get why you people just donā€™t enjoy the views we have from the beautifull people we can watch without trying to change their life or behaviorā€¦

Just accept what is provided or move on to another cam

(my last reaction on this)