Aderyn & Inga

Maybe they didn’t know that rule from their managers and got surprised after the first month?

24 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Well @Aderyn knows the rules. Should we ask him to point his booty hole towards the cam until someone is able to take over the pussy cam duties?

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or get Malkus to do it , he is just laying there lol

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something off subject ,can this person move he been on there for about 12 hours ,the girl looks nice so thats a bonus

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Flora really seems to have taken everything with her … :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I hope that was agreed with the manager … Do you have to take care of the inventory such as bed linen and the like yourself?

Kommen wir zurück zum Thema. Das Mädchen kam nur mit Latschen, einer Decke und ihrem Kissentier. Ergo muss sie im gleichen Gebäude wohnen. Könnte auch eine Nachbarin sein. Will Aderyn uns verarschen?

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I am pretty sure he isn’t! :laughing:

He’s the same gorgeous Malkus we have always known. :slight_smile:

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I can’t say I would object to that, personally!!!

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So any news about Emma? Ive come there time to time but still havent seen anyone beyound the not Emma girl


I wasn t sure but I knew his face…tks

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No problem. :slight_smile:

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Blimey, Malkus can fit a lot in this mouth. Just watched him demolish his plate of food. I’m flushing like a fat lass now. Didn’t help that it was sausage for dinner. :hot_face:

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When is Emma coming @Aderyn ?

Lets play a game! :sweat_smile:

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Finally an apartment worthy of VHTV tradition. Many surprises, constant news and emotions that keep the viewer glued to the screen.

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She looks like a real ball-buster!

While I am not surprised that Flora gave Aderyn her keys on her way out the door, I am kind of shocked that he traded Alicia for Emma. I really did not think he liked the bigger girls.

Aderyn and Alicia are not together for a long time. So not really traded Alicia for Emma

Maybe Inga will visit for a hot threesome? :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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lol first we have to see the other participant there before we start asking about other people showing up