Aderyn & Inga

Ob wir wirklich noch auf Emma warten sollen? :rofl: :rofl:

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They wasn’t “together” at all, Alicia was just a convenient excuse to stay on the project just like Emma will be


the new Emma …


You might as well call the apartment “John Doe” / “Max Mustermann” …

Alleged female participant is never there … Male participant is in another apartment …

The other apartment has several advantages …

Comforters … the old participant must have taken them with her and the kind-hearted manager was not worried …

Plus a woman where he can also keep warm … :joy: :rofl:

Gestern hatte ich noch Spaß gemacht , Emma existiert wohl wirklich nicht :laughing:

If I had the choice to spend the night with Malkus or with Harmony, I would also choose like Aderyn… :sweat_smile:

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That’s quite an image I have in my head now!! The mind really does boggle. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I think I know what your brain came up with, something like this?
Gay Blowjob Sucking Cock Gifs - 999 Pics | xHamster


Fixed for you :wink:

That’s true I won’t deny that, Aylin also had her reasons to go along with it as well

You are totally wrong on every level about that. Surely you remember the way Aylin mstreated Aderyn? I still haven’t forgiven her. Just my own mention of her name offends me, quite frankly.

Deleted by author.

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I think she even made Aderyn cry once! :worried:

Scale the size down slightly (only ever so slightly) and take away most of the hair and you will have the one belonging to a certain (very well known) young gentleman, I have in mind. :wink:

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I never intended to offend anyone David. We were only debating if they were a real couple or not.

I know very well what you’re saying and i don’t want to get into that aspect.

Yes she did…and YES it made ME cry seeing that happen, I am not embarrassed to tell you.

Aylin & Aderyn was drama and kindergarten at its best …

No other apartment had more comments …

Some things were hard to understand as you often had music there. But I can remember that @Shyguy & I even gave Aderny tips in Russian …

As far as I know, that was the first apartment I owned …

Aderyn believe me … was the worse of the two …

No, I said my own mentioning of her name offends me, not you doing it.

I am sorry, it’s just that reading yours and Shyguy’s comments, brought back some horrible memories for me. Thankfully our man Aderyn moved on from all of that though. Let’s hope he’s time on the project is a happy one (any negative comments from some viewers notwithstanding). :slight_smile:

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I knew you was blinkered but Jesus Christ :man_facepalming:

What exactly do you mean by that remark (I will resist the temptation to return the facepalm)?

You were an Aylin fan as was made clear on many occasions…I am an Aderyn fan (I know I make that equally apparent and have never denied it). I suppose THAT (the first part in particular) in itself explains your last comment, come to think of it.

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