Aderyn & Aylin

That works on bouth ways. To bad they cant do nothing about the off cams situaction.

even when he down the treat him like a waiter


the one at the sink black top ,in the room all day and try to give the kiss

they asked him to bring beer

bro, you gotta learn how to READ a situation. not just the people individually, but the entire room, the energy, the vibes, expressions, body language

I have been “reading” every room he’s walked into since he arrived back in September last year, you can be sure of that.

Believe me It’s not worth your time or effort, on here he is completely blameless in every situation and people won’t have it any other way regardless of what he does

you aint reading it right bro…first off he hasnt made any serious move towards her so she has no real reason to file a complaint with flora. second, the kiss he tried to make was playful, although her reaction was real, still he was joking. no reason to complain there. third, she doesnt hate the dude, she just thinks he’s in the way and also finds him a bit creepy. again, not worth filing a complaint over. fourth, he’s Guido’s friend, so she just puts up with his creepiness, tries to friendly at times, and avoids him when possible…oh, and hiring a hooker to have sex with just added to how she feels about him. plus the way he treats the other girl who he is supposedly with

Precisely what I was trying to say…not serious enough for complaints…I am actually agreeing with you! :slight_smile:

oh, and he also tries too hard at getting her to like him…which also is a turn off to women lol

In other words, the same way you are with Aylin.

Aderyn is never going to have the sort of relationship that Guido & Astrid have if he continues to hang out with them. He is obviously envious of what they have, forget about hiring hookers or persuing Aylin for that matter (she doesn’t want him), go out and find himself a girl (or boy if that is his preference), because continually interfering with someone elses relationship will only end badly. I have seen relationships ruined by guys who behave just like Aderyn. It’s always a laugh at first, then it all falls apart, and friendships are wrecked.

yes, and he is constantly getting in the way of their private time. its almost like they’re afraid to have full blown sex now because they know at any moment hes gonna pop up…its really sad


im sure that by now they’re ready to get out of the tub. but Aderyn is blocking the door lol

now he will not go in the room he will stay there so thay do not have sex no room for her to lay down and this is Every night ,thay had no sex last night because he was there and thay fell as___p

Agree, I’m also not particularly impressed with Aylin either, it’s another reason why I don’t watch this apartment very often.

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You’ll be telling us he will flatly refuse to let them out next…like he’s some sort of k____pper or something! :roll_eyes:

Anything important happened? I do not want to read 200 posts :stuck_out_tongue:

Define “important”! :laughing: