Aderyn & Aylin

She is sick as hell and frozen like a iceberge. You just confirm that she faked the illness, she goes to Flora to pick with in, is that normal. She just confirm that she as sex out side the house so who gives the fuc… if its a prostitute our not, Flora and Yan new.about that so everyone is against in? What he is a retard to everione can make fun and say what he as to do for it to be right, he is there for other to make money true in?. His problem he as no balls he is.very calm, some yealing to then will sort it up.

The girl at the new E & A i(was C & C) is she Aderyn’s friend?

No, different person entirely.

Y&F offer her a place with the guy she kissed last time but told her she got to put work meanning have sex, she say she don’t won’t the sex part LOL she want the money without doing her job smh

Surprise surprise… but Aderyn is the one that isn’t making enough money? Ok.

What girl?

And you love Aderyn. I just agreed she recovered well. read my post. So she signs up for a voyeur house but has sex outside that just sounds stupid and not a way to make money which is what they are in the project to do? YAWN

i can not believe Astrid doing the dishes again ha you 2 get off your ass and do them

She recoverd well? That must be fucking mirecle

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Get a audio.translator.

offer aylin to get apartment with the guy that kiss her in the game “the friend”

Not watching , so am I right that Muse went back to A & A house to have sex with Aderyn but another girl was there that he had invited so nothing happened between all?

The friend that she must add sex with already.

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Aderyn lover YAWN

Who is Yawn?

i think it Yan

funny she said to aderyn he need to work but she can’t today cuase she sick now she working at Y&F

Let me guess you obviously do not look at it from both sides 427 comments and over 95% blaming her

Yep, funnily enough some of us really do! Those of us who have been watching him for long enough (in my case, right back to the end of September last year ) will know why we do too. Watch him closely enough and you’ll work it out for yourself, just why (thankfully) there are actually people who care about him. There really IS method the ‘madness’ and perfectly good reason behind it all. :slight_smile:

its about 50/ 50 there both wrongthay both got to go lol