Aderyn & Aylin

It’s just like this symbol. Just because one tyrant used it, now it’s supposedly lost all its original meaning. I call bulls__t image

It’s unfortunate, because this symbol obviously has a different meaning for these countries or religions.

We better watch out or we could get canceled :joy::crazy_face::joy:

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Nah, neither of us has written or posted anything offensive, so we should be fine! :+1:

To quote Dumb__dore; Fear of a name only increases the fear of the thing itself. By all means if they were using actual Nazi symbolism then condemn away, however I think in this case you’re being a bit snowflake-y. I have Jewish heritage, I have walked through the gates of Auschwitz and seen the horrors of the place first-hand, so I am not ignorant to the horrors of the Nazi regime.

But like it has been pointed out, the symbol was misappropriated by the Nazis in the first place, it has wider uses beyond their agenda.

As far as the press release goes; Why would you not believe them? I have no doubt that their statement is entirely true, we are in an age where we are empowering ourselves by taking back terms that were offensive and making them our own - Look at Queer for example.

In life I always ask myself - was offense meant to be given? If the answer is NO then don’t take any, because sentiment is what matters.

As this place is always crying out for drama they must be wondering why it took so look for someone to mention it

As a grammar nazi myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: please check your spelling before posting :joy::joy::joy:

I don’t think the kids bought all the linnen themselves, or even know the slightest about WWII and its symbols. Studio’s like these are furnished by VHTV, that’s why they all have the same flooring, wall decoration, kitchens, lamps and mostly all the stuff that isn’t there. Picture frames, plants an flowers, the usual rubbish real people collect during their lives. So I am convinced no harm was intentional with this bedsheet. Not by the kids, not by VHTV. Let’s move on.

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This gal is by nature shouting, upset and never happy! I knew this kind of gal be4…brrr …run away from this is the only solution!


This gal is by nature shouting, upset and never happy! I knew this kind of gal be4…brrr …run away from this is the only solution!

They may quote punk or the roman empire as inspirations all they want, I call bulls__t. These are the kind of excuses always made by users of Nazi symbolism. Yes, the nazi eagle designs were heavily inspired by the roman designs. And it’s absolutely plausible the nazi eagle popped up in punk at some point. Punk, maybe more than any other cultural youth movement, was all about offending your elders. And what better way to piss off your English parents in the 70s or 80s than the use of outrageous nazi symbols? Nah, the shape and proportions of that eagle sitting on top of a circle is so distinctive, that company logo is 100% designed to be a provocation.

I’m willing to believe our russian webcam kids are not aware of it, though.

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Fully agree to that…

this is because Aderyn seems desperate for sex. he probably reeks of desperation, and he’s always naked and grabbing on his junk. he also lingers, not wanting to miss an opportunity for sex. or he’ll stick around just to cock-block the other guy.

BUT while he was still s___p in the living room the other 2 were FINALLY able to get some long overdue and much needed alone time :blush:

last night aylin was on her best behavior. i like her better this way :clap: and i don’t reffer to her nude pose, she was joking, talking nice and spent long time with aderyn without geting angry :+1:

the one girl doesn’t like Aderyn, the one thats always yelling at him. and the other girl doesn’t seem to be interested in him at all sexually

This place is nothing more than an indoor nudist colony :smirk: close it down or get someone that’s somewhats useless. Aderyn is like a 10-year-old in a candy store. when a girl gets naked in front of him. he’s such a little boy! can believe it’s at 3.8k. for nothing but stupid comments!


i’ve never seen a girl be so sexless as alyn. she’s never horney, never pleases aderyn. cold as ice…hmmm that means frigid. aderyn should stop wasting time with this incomplete personality. he certainly has a magnificent dork. it’s longer and fatter than Guido’s. any girl would be pleased to have and hold that tool.

Whichever one is the female should be paired up w ken, from ken & barbie.

they are both fridged as the North Pole, not to disrespect the majestic north pole…

she won’t blow, fuck, tickle, rub or pleasure anyone, not even herself.

Yan & Flora & their whole gang has worked for endless hours trying

to get this girl to light up, buuuttt, she won’t, and not b___dy likely either.

Be carefful atacking Aylin our ppl will eat you alive. But not me!