A notice to admin and mods

It’s not always about you/us, others might not feel the same…

U r right because some mod are idiots who behave immature like some viewers whose main purpose is to spread hatred and trolls against realms and participants but still some mod are good who work hard and saving videos for viewers …… U can not find any difference between in those mod and viewers…. they can stop making forum from getting toxic but they are busy in spoiling realms more…. they don’t have any right to accuse any viewers first they should change themselves and become mature and responsible person on forum…… otherwise day by day forum will fill with toxic…:confused:

Maybe you should just think about what a moderator is. Moderator is derived from the word “moderate”. What exactly does moderate mean? The adjective moderate means “in moderation” or “moderate”. Possible synonyms are also “reserved”, “appropriate”, “modest” or “moderate”. The term moderate is used for reactions that are appropriate or restrained, i.e. neither below average nor excessive.

This is exactly how a moderator should moderate a forum and ensure that the forum users behave in the same way. If users behaved in this way, a moderator would be superfluous.

I thought you was observant when it came to the forum but I guess not



Like moving your offensive and insulting posts to the s__thole place where they belong??

[quote=“Torey179818, post:103, topic:23756”] U can not find any difference between in those mod and viewers…. [/quote]

As long as mods from the ranks of the forum users are entrusted with this task, there can be no difference. And THAT is exactly the danger that there is agitation against mods and the mod rushes against certain users.

A real mod should be used by the operator of the forum, who impartially ensures that the forum rules are observed and does not publicly punish the user in the event of v_______ns, but blocks the user for a certain period of time by PM and in the event of further v_______ns.

The members only club folded after you got a lifetime ban Amy as there was no need for a troll free zone (or so we thought). Part of the demise of Cam Caps (apart from the creation of the Forum) was because they were soft on trolls. It is now a pale reflection of its former self which is probably a point for @VHTV_James to note.

You might have to wait a little while for a reply from them

Forum is a great idea. Unfortunately, it has been ruined by some psychologically disturbed or mentally retarded trouble-making brat-like hateful bullies, who find fault with and ridicule everyone’s comments and try to dictate what others are allowed to write. If it’s not possible to ban them, close down the Forum.



:rofl: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

A hit dog will holler! :rofl: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Well, you decide what you want to believe. :wink:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ummmm and name calling is not bulling how exactly??

A hit dog will holler!

Oh do you mean like this? :thinking: