Yuneska & Radu

Actually, what following the huge amount of opinions does, it’s exactly the opposite of success. And this is what happened here after this forum was created. Everything went massively downhill once the participants started receiving “opinions”. There isn’t almost any naturalness left, almost all the apartments are a huge clickbait or pussy to cam shows, nobody is enjoying being on cams, all are mostly “working”. And on top of that, they are working using the “scripts” they get from here.

Funny how exactly people giving scripts here are also the ones that complain the most…


It is not possible for the participant to play the role of a light from morning to night and not show any activity and the statistics of visiting the site will decrease.


Need to train her better :joy::joy:

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There were already scripts in the K-House … only the “audience requests” are now implemented more quickly and unfiltered and any shows are sometimes announced days in advance …


They do show but only exactly as much it is needed for them to get the views. They have all the data and stats available on their phones, they know exactly what, when and how much money they make all the time

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Don’t derail the topic into off topic again. :wink:

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I think the problem is that right now this realm is neither. It’s not a realistic looking everyday life, not a full 24/7 sex show and not even a group of obviously troubled but hot and naked people doing stuff. It’s dull. No personality this or that way. As I said I think they shouldn’t take ideas from us but as it is it’s boring. And for me it’s really only 2-3 realms I feel this way about.

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That’s what I mean, I completely agree


John… if that is true, why does every realm “tease” sex. I’m sure most subscribers pay because they believe it’s a “sex” site. Get off your low horse and quit telling the company line. You apparently only live to talk down to us subscribers on the forum! And you ruin any good vibe out there.

I am not talking down at all. There is a very clear difference between what one or the other believes or why one pays to be on this site and what this site actually is. Far, but far away to be a “sex” site.

Voyeur is not the usual term for watching people look at their phone, watch television, cook, and sleep. The name of the site leads us to believe that sex will be involved. Which, causes us to purchase the subscription. Or is this just a scam?

You can’t watch one apartment out of 40 and say it’s a scam that sex doesn’t happen in that ONE apartment, when there are a ton of other apartments with sex involved. Furthermore, sex does take place in this apartment: it’s just not between the people you want it to be. At no point in any apartment or in the website does it state that sex between specific people will take place.

I think Kaya said it best where she said some people think they are buying people when they sub.


No, it isn’t a scam at all. Sex can happen or not. In most of the cases, it does happen. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Nowhere was said that if we buy a subscription, we’re going to watch sex 24/7. That perception is only in our heads (if that’s the case).

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I don’t believe, Buster, that I was talking about any certain two people should have sex.

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If that’s the case, then it’s totally down on them people if they’re disappointed for not reading nor understanding what site they paid to watch.

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Bless your heart…

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I know that probably somewhere was stated but can someone tell me what happen with the gang?
Where is the guy who was fucking the tall slim girl and actually where is she also?
Where is the girl with big amazing boobs ?

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At least onto something involving Yuneska and Radu! :rofl: :joy:

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