Yuneska & Radu

In addition to reiterating that I was certain that the European champion would come from the confrontation between Germany and Spain, and that England is insignificant in terms of football titles, and that the pride of the English is a pride for nothing, as they only come second nothing more. I would like to say that this couple that comes from the starlight room is always like this, they throw these provocative parties, Radu only fucks those whom Yaneska authorizes and that this Joana thing is already boring to me, they have this arranged and rehearsed party with established limits , all very manipulated and boring for me. I thought something had happened but it’s just another rigged party. In fact, this is normal on today’s VHTV, lots of manipulated parties with established limits


nice lips…wonder how they would taste…

i entirely agree. it just makes for a boring environment not worth watching. i dont know if these rules or established limits are set by the Owners or the Participants but until they decide to leave or no longer be apart of VHTV these Apartments are essentially their Home and they should be able to move how they choose. If Yuneska is the one who authorizes then she aint been doing much authorizing as of late. Joanna seems like a loyal friend who isnt going to go beyond the limits set by Yuneska but that too seems to be slowly fading. Given enough time, opportunity, and circumstance Radu WILL end up having sex with Joanna.

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I would like to have seen some MMF Bi action…


Joana and Yaneska are getting closer and becoming more and more friends, nothing will happen to Radu and them that isn’t something fully foreseen and authorized. As much as Radu tries and has already done one thing or another, the possible friendship between Yaneska and Joanna will prevent anything more sexual between her and Radu from occurring without Yaneska knowing or authorizing it. When Joanna appeared, about 5 months ago, I even followed this kingdom to see if Radu was going to dare and do something hidden, and he did, and it wasn’t Radu’s fingers that got in front of Yaneska when far away, hidden in counter. The second or third night that Joana appeared, she slept in bed with Radu and Yaneska and this, although it is the least talked about, was the day that Radu almost fucked Joana in front of the cameras, because that day he took out his dick and rubbed it a lot under the covers ,Joana writhed with pleasure. and maybe he may have even penetrated her under the coversI even talked about it here. After that day, Joana never slept next to Radu again, and lately they haven’t even been sleeping in the same bed.

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لن يحدث هذا مره اخرى

في الجمعة، ٢ أغسطس ٢٠٢٤، ٦:٥٠ م Chad234344 via VHTV Community <> كتب:

If thats the case then you may be right. But then its not really fair to Radu is it. youre either in an exclusive relationship in which your partner can have NO PHYSICAL CONTACT with any other female accept you or you are in open relationship in which he can. For Yuneska to give Radu permission to perform some sexual acts and not others on these women only causes frustration in him and creates exactly what he is now doing…pushing limits! You cannot tell a MAN that it is ok tp do almost every other sexual acts with the girl EXCEPT full on sex…IT DOESNT WORK!..atleast not for long without creating chaos between the two.

Joanna may be trying to be a good friend to Yuneska by not breaking her rules but shes also trying maintain this sort of “pure as a driven snow” image about herself. She’s heavily involved until the room starts to get really sexual and then she gets standofish and tries to play the HOST. That is until the RIGHT guy shows up and im sure she’ll full on participant.

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Like Pinky, Radu is also used to going out without underwear.


If Yuneska doesn’t want Radu to fuck Joana, she should be the one to fuck her, it wouldn’t be bad either :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


there whole living situation is plain confusion. i dont know how long Yuneska and Joanna have been friends but it seems they may have even been friends before joining VHTV. Probably best friends. And the more i watch how Joanna moves around that apartment the more i feel that she was purposely invited to stay as a tool for keeping an eye on Radu :thinking: She engages just enough to try and hide it but ZOOM in on her sometimes and youll notice how she’s always peeking at Radu and noticing everything he says or does and his movements as to Yuneska…the girl is a plant. And i wouldnt expect to see much of anything at all from her.



Counter is on again.



Nice to see Radu in naked relaxation mode (again)…


Johanna in action ?

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Are Joanna and Rado in the bathroom?

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Does anyone have any pictures of the bathroom to share?

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Bathroom as requested. Cheers


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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