Yuneska & Radu


L O L all that skin in the room and nothing happened


Yup. And this is what happens when you drag a party out for too long the whole purpose of it gets lost in translation. This was a sex party and everyone knew why they coming and why they were there which is why they all basically had to get naked at the door. the idea was eat, drink, play some games and end the night with everyone butt naked and humping. The party dragged on for way too long (4am i think) it was daylight out and it got to a point where they were just randomly doing stuff to keep it going when by now they should’ve just pulled out the sofa mattress and gotten to the sex already :man_facepalming:


If you watched anything involving Yuneska and Radu and thought this was going to be a sex party then you must be new.


This was strictly and only in your head…The more and more i read your comments, i am convinced that you’re not doing yourself a big favour by watching this apartment. It is totally the opposite of what you’re looking for…


i understand just enjoying the ride but sometimes you drag that shit out for too long.

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i am relatively new to their Apartment…i am open to be corrected if you feel i miss the point of the party

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Yune and Radu are not an adventurous couple. They have been on the site for a good while now and this is pretty much the extent of their parties. They have no problem having naked parties and playing naked games, things like that, but when it comes to actual sex there is a very clear line that they won’t cross.

I generally don’t watch their realm anymore but last night was an exception because I liked seeing Anna Alex and Melissa there.


This isn’t a “sex parties” apartment. Never was. From my knowledge, there is only one apartment left who does sex parties (Realm92). Maybe R18 as well but not as much as before. Maybe not expecting that much and just enjoying what it is, might help you to not get disappointed every single day ?


if that is your explanation as to why sex didnt happen last night…it is a poor one. And unless Radu was just putting on an act for us all im almost certain he would have fucked that girl on sofa last night. in fact there was a moment last night where it “appeared” that he was actually inside of her for second because everyone kind of look at him funny and in that moment Yuneska turned and went into the bedroom and just sat on the bed (clearly in her feelings) one of the other girls even came over and position herself between Radu and this girl he was tryna fuck. youre giving Radu too much credit. They had to almost restrain him last night lol. Fact is…if Yuneska was away a trip he would have surely fuck that girl and he would’ve definitely fucked Joanna :joy:


It’s an explanation from someone who has watched this couple since they were introduced to VH almost a year ago. Whether you want to accept it or not is entirely up to you.


The party looked really hot to me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The party was good.
As said, they are not into wild parties, but it was good.
It was almost ruined when Radu made a bold move.

He looked at Yuneska as if to say, “Come on, leave me,” but Yuneska blocked him. He did not criticize her, it is her right.

Even if Radu and Joanna were left alone for a while, I don’t know if they would do anything. Not for radu, but for Joanna. I don’t think Joanna would do anything without Yuneska’s permission.
Although everything is getting hot…


I think everyone is kinda right in their own way (fence sitting, I know haha). It seems as if Radu can’t go too far with other girls, but he absolutely would if he was allowed to. That being said he did cum on Melissa’s face which is kinda wild if you ask me haha.

I will continue to tune in because I don’t want to miss the tension between Joanna and Radu even though some would say I am being played like a fiddle by the narrative they have constructed but I don’t mind, it is all the same to me


For real. I’m glad I decided to watch because I totally was not expecting that.


Rarely have sex a little catchy caressing foreplay last Realm they had more sex - 3some FFM on that Realm very few times Just to be watching beautiful Woman not enough
PS They can do whatever they wish but I had no desire to watch that Realm even though as I sad all beautiful Women


The party did kind of highlight why Angelique was so good, and not just because of her looks as she was stunning. She would get involved with whatever was happening and could have great interactions with anyone and everyone… she also would suck Radu’s dick when Yuneska wasn’t looking :grin:

I miss that girl


I short search on Viva streets will help you find a lot of “Angelique’s”. In flesh and bones… :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl:

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Sorry your comment is not easily understood but I think you are alluding to her being someone who they paid like the porn actress from the other day, and while that may be the case, she would still have to show personality and enthusiasm to stand out like she did


Although they’re definitely being rewarded for their visits and performances, i don’t think that she is a porn actress.

And you are right, she was awesome, great personality and fun to watch

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