You must have seen

  1. Did you know that a single strand of human hair can support the weight of 3.5 ounces? That means a head full of hair could hold the weight of two elephants!

  2. In 2016, a group of scientists discovered a planet that is almost identical to Earth. It’s called Proxima b and it’s only 4.24 light-years away.

  3. If you folded a piece of paper in half 103 times, it would be as thick as the observable universe.

  4. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents, which is why smells can bring back vivid memories.

  5. Elephants are the only a____ls other than humans that can mourn their dead and hold funeral ceremonies.

  6. A single teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh 6 billion tons, making it the densest object in the universe.

  7. The longest time a person has gone without s___ping is 11 days. It’s called Fatal Familial Insomnia and is extremely rare.

  8. The shortest war in history was between the countries of Zanzibar and Great Britain. It only lasted 38 minutes.

  9. Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are still edible after thousands of years.

  10. The world’s largest snowflake was recorded in Montana in 1887. It measured 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.

  11. Sharks have been around for longer than trees. They first appeared in the ocean 400 million years ago while trees didn’t appear on land until 350 million years ago.

  12. In the 16th century, tulips were more valuable than gold in Holland and a single bulb could cost the equivalent of a wealthy person’s annual income.

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In the heart of Siberia’s icy expanse lies a mystifying marvel named Baikal Zen. Here, on the glassy surface of Lake Baikal, stones defy gravity, balancing on slender pillars of ice, reminiscent of the serene stone stacks in Japanese gardens.

These rocks, seemingly suspended in mid-air above the water, don’t just land in such harmonious balance. Their equilibrium is the result of a poetic dance between the biting Siberian cold and the lake’s sculpting winds. The stones first meld with the ice, a task easily achieved in Siberia’s bone-chilling embrace. Then, like an artist chipping away at marble, the gusts carve the ice into delicate pedestals, ensuring the rocks achieve their poised stance.

Photographers from around the globe have captured Baikal Zen’s ephemeral beauty. To witness this enchanting ballet of nature for yourself, dive into the treasure trove of images available online.

  1. If you laid all the politicans nose to tail across the bottom of Atlantic Ocean, you would be doing the world a favour

The sense of smell is the strongest sense we humans have as newborn babies.

And according to Wikipedia: “recent research has suggested that the average individual is capable of distinguishing over one trillion unique odors”

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Folk toys from Japan…marvellous stuff :smiley:

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electric bicycle upgrade from DeWalt

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optical illusions

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Dizzying: 3D animation on skyscr__ers in Dubai makes it easy to believe that the future is already here

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:butterfly: Incredible illusion: (Telegram: Contact @Pravda_Gerashchenko) a new level of body art

Johannes Stotter - painter, musician, one of the most famous contemporary body art artists - presented his new work “Butterfly”.

This artist, who lives in the Italian Alps, is called “the master of illusions”. He is a real star of social networks, thanks to his images of wildlife, embodied with the help of the human body.

The rest of his images are equally amazing. Stotter’s projects, who creates illusionary masterpieces depicting the beauty of life forms real and vulnerable, have been honoured with many international prizes.

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I’ve watched a few of his videos on YouTube, and also some videos by others doing similiar things. Yes, these people are unbelievable. That would be food for days for me :sweat_smile:

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The Hopak dance, a Ukrainian folk dance :sunflower:

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fluffy bouncy balls

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Crayons and a little imagination: incredible street art from artist David Zinn

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This one could have been in Funny’s & Jokes, but there is much more to it than just a joke. :smiley:


I wonder what formula our okd phisics teacher would have for this? Probably it has something to do with energy and gravity…and a couple of other things :joy: :joy: :joy:

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That was a great lesson in physics!
:hugs: :hugs:

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I love ingenious stuff like this. The door on that very first cabinet was amazing and the game table where the game pieces just appeared out of the table like magic was very cool. Loved the sofa that converted to a double-decker bed. Lots of amazing things.

That’s amazing!!!
:+1: :+1: