Yan & Flora


Are you a bot?? What’s up with the spamming of photos of nothing over and over again without saying anything??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Images removed



:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :face_with_monocle:

After the next selection i have decided he is an architect looking for ideas ? BTW i posted this after seeing yozgatli66bozok’s pictures hthe bbq house and the hallway about 50 posts ago. After posting i went back to continue reading and found such a load more , only interspersed with the garbage that LIFE posts. So many photos - such a waste of time .

Beautiful ladies in the pool :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

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Yes they are .

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Flora’s body is incredible. One of the best

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Images removed


Sorry cancelle this post as expanded below .

Those 23 snaps could easily have been cut back to 4 or 5 interesting snaps ? See those above from x192023 , interesting because they have been trimmed and expanded. Shows the subjects better i think

Yeah we all appreciate people who do the screen captures, but quality over quantity.

In my opinion Floras girlfriend is very pink. Why ho have her to do heterosexsual activity? This night was interestenting. I event first time in the project donated you due didnt see Bombarda and Mortira.

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I hope he visits more.:smiling_imp:

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Thanks much better photo when you removed it and trimmed it .

My answer to all your questions is “Just because!” thanks.

Good philosophical answer. get up that mountain !

i believe its a sauna

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flora did post pictures from inside when they first moved here a few weeks ago its on here somewhere

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I also know how to come down from the mountain I climbed whenever and however I want. I just don’t understand why you are pushing so hard. Everyone better mind their own business.