Yan & Flora


I wonder if he would get a hard on if he was rubbing Yan’s ass? How could you not get turned on rubbing on Flora!


First time you watch them?

this is always the case… they are friends and don’t have sex together, at least not real sex :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like him!

He lives the life i lived a few years… and i kind of miss those years :sunglasses:

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i never had complains about the size…

only about my attitude :joy:

I would like to hear your “attitude” story in four or less sentences!

So Freeloader gets a handjob from a beautiful woman, Flora, and he does not cum. What the fuck is wrong with that boy!

Yan and Flora - when are they fixing your hot water?

Должны дать в начале следующей недели

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Отключили на какие-то работы

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I hope it will not be delayed!

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he did try and yes he got hard-on.

he tried a hundred times but Yan wouldnt let him.

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Oh I thought you would be making a cast of Yan’s balls. Seeing that you are now married you own them. :joy::rofl::rofl:

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Flora is putting Juliana to work! :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:




Cold showers are the worst are you guys planning on staying there long term or relocation

Swimming? :kissing_heart:

It’s an annual event in their country where the hot water gets switched off for maintenance

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