Yan & Evelyn

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So stay just friends, there is no problem in that. It is worse to lie to yourselves and not be happy. You are both very young with all your life in front. Let some time pass, you never know what’s going to happen…

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don’t let people here influence you who have spent most of their time mocking you and then you do something you regret just go with your gut feeling


Да меня тут никто не обидел, все хорошо))



Can you answer this question for yourself without any doubt? Because she is beautiful? Because she is good at sex? Or because it makes your stomach turn when she’s not around? First, think carefully about what is the reason that draws you to her. On that basis, consider whether that reason is worth everything else what is inside you, the friends, the parties… everything that makes you happy and will be taken away from you.

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Русские девушки слишком сложны для понимания.


@Yan .seems to me that you will not find true love whilst being a participant on vhtv , more so if your intended is not into this lifestyle where everything you do is scrutinised . no amount of money would get in the way any potential relationship if both parties are not on the same wavelengh . if you find the right girl/woman and she cant get along with your present setup . then make the right choice and leave this s__t behind you and go live a life you can both be comfortable with

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There is too much doubt in you at the moment and you feel lonely despite her proximity. It’s up to you what you want and what you do.

Sit with her, tell her what is on your mind, what you want, what you are afraid of. If she really loves you, she will understand. And together you can find the right way, satisfaction for both.

If she doesn’t understand, then you will have your answer. And your doubts dispelled.

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После года общения в сети мои первые отношения с этой русской девушкой длились всего неделю в реальном мире. Я даже не русский. Но я не собираюсь сдаваться. :grin:

Спасибо за все.

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@Yan My opinion on your relationship is that Evelyn is or was in love with you. You needed a replacement for Flora to keep making money on VHTV and Evelyn came at just the right time. Maybe you are or were in love with her too. But your primary concern was to keep the business going. And that’s when Evelyn’s path and yours diverge. Evelyn is shy in front of the cameras and you need viewers to make money. It didn’t add up. If your friends were there and all were naked, Evelyn sat there like an outsider, went away or went to bed.

It just doesn’t work that way in a real relationship. Ok, things went well with Flora in that respect. You had other problems. You should continue your relationship with Evelyn on a friendly basis and look around for a suitable partner who fits in with the VHTV project.

Or you continue your relationship with Evelyn, but separate from VHTV. Then your relationship might still have a chance, if it’s not too late for that.

I hope you find the right path and wish you the best of luck.

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You shouldn’t have told her you have a 10 inch when chatting online, then her expectations will have been a lot lower :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

I think you need to sit down and really talk, as many of those who have written before have said. the first you have to decide what you want out of the relationship. the others, when you have a party, you can’t have a party by yourself but as a couple. I don’t think they will be good. you can get through this but then you have to be completely honest and really listen to each other without immediately getting angry and respect each other.

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no handjob no blowjob, she doesnt even wants to kiss him. ı think its better yan has to find a gypsy woman :rofl: to give him advice :joy:so all woman in VHTV at his command… maybe mojo just work on them :rofl:

Yan als jij om haar geeft zou jij een keer naar een hotelkamer moeten gaan zonder camera. Ik denk dat ze dan heel anders is. Want zo als ik jullie nu zien zitten zie ik een verliefd stel


Yan i have one tip “trow her out ffs”

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Wat ik nu zie slaat natuurlijk weer nergens op. Jij op de bank en zij in bed. Ik zou dat niet pikken.


Stuur ze naar huis man dit gaat nergens over hoe ze nu doet

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Musya is s___ping with mommy :heart_eyes: :hugs: :heart_eyes_cat: