
I have the whole thing but from just one camera view, she was vicious, she got him in a c___e hold and he nearly p________t, and that was after she headbutted him. She got him by the neck of the t-shirt so he tried to pull it over his head but she held him while he was bent over and kneed him in the face several times. When he finally got hold of the keys she went for the scissors from the kitchen and tried to stab him, at one point I think she actually managed to as he was in a lot of pain and shouting at her. He managed to get to the door but she stopped him from opening it. after some more arguing she put her clothes on and they left. That is why I was not surprised to see only her name on the appt and no Dino. I totally didn’t expect o see him turn up, let alone be all lovey dovey and fuck her WTAF has the guy got a brain, or is he just scared to walk away fearing the repercussions. What next is she going to poison him her try to shoot him? I really shudder to think.

Well if you recorded it why not post it?

If you post it you might be labelled as a troublemaker. You are already getting flak. Hold off posting the video. Spousal violence should be zero tolerance - period.


It’s quite long and may offend some people, but here is a taster. The first image is a split second after she headbutted him that hard you can hear it clearly, the second image is of her with him in a headlock.

The full video is quite hard to watch and I am only likely to post that if VHTV actually request it, which I think is highly unlikely as it would put them in a bad light for not intervening.

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You can send it to me via pm please? :wink:


Why should you only see it? that’s being very selfish :laughing:

That is Winky :heart_eyes:

But did he bark? :laughing:

I still need to cut the file as it is two hours long but the incident went on for a little over 50 minutes. And can you please silence ToreyK for a little while with his stupid laughing emoji, nobody should find this kind of behaviour funny, I think a little ban might sort him out. I know he is just trying to get me to bite but he is still an irritating twat. I think we need something along the lines of a say Facebook jail for users that persistently try to bate people into a response that they may regret.

I agree his behavior is rather immature but first of all I can’t ban people and reacting with emojis is something not against the rules.

These rules seem to be getting popular recently :laughing:

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Hope the poor thing never messed himself :laughing:

He was proper fucked.

Rather you making fun of it each time… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I have looked at the file size. It is 1.45gb so a little too large to PM. I am going to try and crop the file so it only contains the incident and see what size it is then, but I would say it will still be about 600-700Mb.

If it’s meant to be it’s meant to be i suppose :roll_eyes:

The “things” around the eyes: Makeup or tattoos too?

Well if you must make rules and then bend or ignore them to suit specific circumstances what do you expect…
The subject of money that was was brought up yesterday has been mentioned numerous times in the past with nothing said against comments made at all but yesterday you decided to take exception to what was said for some reason and threw a wobbly.
Like someone said yesterday if the current rules were strictly enf___ed nothing would probably get posted.
There doesn’t seem to be any consistency at all.
Not trying to be funny but just as i see it.


Make up i can assure you, just eye liner :laughing: