Why nothing happens anymore?

Thanks. Are you sure about A&S. I have just been watching them.

No, probably very wrong exactly that. It is another name on that that I don`t remember certainly. Sorry. :hugs: :fire:

I will give you a hint: There were two letters used twice in the name of that Realm. One of them was ā€œMā€ :slightly_smiling_face:

ToniByll and EvaRed. That is what shows up when I search. :slight_smile:

And it also says #Former realm 40 Request. :hugs: :fire:

That was the previous name of the Realm.

I tried to play a guessing game :hugs:

I could not remember it correctly right away. Common problem for me it seems like. It is so many realms overall that I have certain problems remembering everyone. :hugs: :hugs:

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Donā€™t know which number they were but one of the realms deleted from memory was realm84? where I had posted lots of stuff because I was having the hotts for the girl. Still have. Another one was realm40, where, back when it was realm40 and the other girl, I had put lots of effort into editing a 20 min video of that girl riding some guyā€™s dick in a sextape recording session. One of my very best works, if I may say so. Too bad you canā€™t watch it anymore as that discussion thread is gone. Kinda miffed about that.

Edit, this time by me: Whoa, my post seems to suffer from dementia. Who am I? Whatā€™s going on? And who invited all these naughty people?

yet another edit: Jabs, you have a lot to learn about censorship. You know that everybody can just click the red pencil button and see what you edited out? If you really want to supress information you need to delete posts instead of just altering them. God, Iā€™m such a snitch.

Thanks for the info. I agree with Tyrese, so many realms.

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all i can say what have you been seeing ,there is something going on everyday ,maybe you should get the big head of yours and put it up your bum LOL

Well the old saying is,you can lead a horse to the water.You canā€™t make him _____.

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Ich merke dieses Thema ist,zum GlĆ¼ck der Manager,eingeschlafenā€¦So wie Quo Vadis auch.so kƶnnen sie weitermachen wie bisher

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Welcome to the world of ā€œnot much changes with viewer inputā€.


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I have been watching buffering for the last hour and a half.

What buffering???

Everything is going perfectly here.

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I just looked thru the latest archived videos. Lots of new stuff. GREAT JOB!

Any recent favorites yet?

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Unfortunately for me noā€¦ Itā€™s like choosing how Iā€™d like to eat my plain eggs. Scramb__d, poached, soft boiled, hard boiled, over easy, over medium, over hard, sunny side up, basted, pickled, at the end of the day they all pretty much taste the sameā€¦ Sometimes less choices and a little more spice makes the biggest difference. :man_shrugging:t2:


I donā€™t mean to be rude but WHY?!?! Donā€™l you have anything better to do with your time??