Who/what determines video clips to reach the archive session

Apologies for my stupid question but i was wondering who/what determines video clips to reach the archive session. Sometimes i see really exciting stuff in VH, which seldom reaches the archive. On the other hand i do see guys pissing in a sink in archive.

I can only say for myself:
I have some places I always follow and save the stuff happening there.
Then there are places I only follow when guests or parties there.
All other places I do not check for moments to save unless requested in the Archive Requests section.
And there is one place I do not save anything for archives due to the happenigs there (#realm56)

So is it possible to save stuff ourselves? I thought it simply appears in archives, hence wondered who determines this process

While we are at this.

Some of the titles describing the events are written like a schoolboy has written them e.g. “x munchies on y’s lunchbox” is a classic one

I think someone has been watching far too much porn :woozy_face: :laughing: :laughing:

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I think this was answered yesterday and they are working on it in a future version.

That wasn’t me I can say for sure :joy::joy:

Nope the savings will always do the moment operators. Maybe it will be possible to save scenes from archives video for each user in future version.

That’s what I meant and I could have sworn I read that somewhere recently, but I cannot find it now.

Sorry I can’t find it the moment too :wink: Was in a topic about downloading archives vids…

Maybe I read it wrong, I was suffering yesterday and had a bad day which clouds the brain, so that very well could be it.

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Feeling better again?

Slowly, yesterday I had to spend most of the day on an oxygen concentrator as I was finding it hard to breathe, b___dy Covid pisses me off sometimes.

Sorry to hear. Get well soon :slightly_smiling_face:

There are 6 of us ( Moment Operators ) who save stuff to the Archive. We try to prioritise the requested scenes by members ( you can make a request here :Videos Archive Requests - Voyeur House TV Forum ) and then depending on the amount of time each of us allocate for this, we look for the most watched moments and add them as well, of course like Jab said each of us have our own favourites so we might end up adding more scenes from some places than others. unfortunately some of the cool stuff might go unnoticed, or we might not find it interesting enough to save. so anyone submitting a request is actually helping us to find and save what might otherwise be missed therefore we greatly appreciate that. I personally also look at the forum’s posts ( normally just looking for the pictures posted by the members which highlights the more interesting moments of each apartments ) to see if anything noteworthy has happened in places that I do not watch, so if you post pictures ( screenshots ), it can also be helpful. :wink:

LOL that was me :stuck_out_tongue: someone on the forum described the pussy eating as " eating her lunchbox " which made me laugh so I decided to use it for the title :joy:

Way too many videos of guys pissing. I have the same issue about really hot sex scenes that don’t make the archives


The male content is saved by @stanley who does a great job capturing male content for our homosexual members. As you might have noticed there are very few actual gay sex scenes so the pissing & guys’ shower is what being requested and saved. I believe we save the majority of hot sex scenes, but if you see something that you like to be saved, please make a request for it to ensure it’s saved.

Well big man for admitting that :+1: :slight_smile: But it is rather crude :slight_smile:

LOL That’s your opinion, which I respect but I do not agree with your assessment. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Believe me, in English it’s pretty crude, but if people want to conduct themselves at that level that’s their business. :slight_smile: