Where are forum members from? (NOT participants!)

Italian Flag Italy GIF
And more beautiful our of flag … :wink: :hugs:


Each to their own pal :wink: :+1:

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I agree… :wink: :hugs:

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Im from Italy :smile:


Hello. I am new here. Made account today. I am from Japan. Looks nice forum here.


Welcome to you, hope you enjoy it. :hugs:

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same country as mine where we live to pay only taxes …

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Same in most countries unfortunately, as they say there are only 2 things certain in life,

Taxes & Death.

Nice thought eh :joy:

from what i see in italy we have the lowest salaries and highest taxes in all of europe…

Look on the bright side pal you do have a lovely country, have had a few holidays there in the past and very enjoyable. :+1:

USA - Iowa


USA southeast


America is where im from


Hi! Mi name is Amber, and I´m from Argentina :slight_smile:
Sorry for my english!!!
it’s the first time I join a forum that talks about sex!
I would like to say that Ariela and Will (I know his partner is Sebastian, I read and watched their videos and stories) are the hottest couple in the project.
Tazmin and Tea Mint? Another one of the sexiest in my opinion.
We are reading each other!


Oregon, USA


from paris
france paris GIF


Germany. Back from a few years absense. I was mostly active on Camcaps.


My family came over from Naples Italy and settled in the NYC area. Sometimes wish they stayed in Italy…


i live in genoa (i would love to disappear from this city and this state) i would love to go to california…

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Ah Genoa the home of my favorite deli choice Genoa salami. I eat more Genoa salami than any man has seen quoting Jim Morrison’s chicken line… :smile:

Have you ever been to California? My wife’s bother lives there for over 30 years now. Talking to him this morning they had an earthquake along with Hawaii. Minor but Cali has them all time. He wants to get out because of the costs. The average home owner has to make 3 times the median income in the USA to afford it. Its very expensive there and even more than my area around NYC that is also very expensive. The West and the Northeast are the costly areas in the USA. Many people going to Florida but I only like it for my 2 week vacations in April/May not to live there. You should visit Cali if you have not been there yet.

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