What is Happening on This Site?

We pay to have access to the cams and nothing more. So, by using basic simple logic, the only complains we, as customers, are entitled to have, are strictly and only related to that and nothing else.

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You are missing the point kid. This is not just about me and my custom, this is about EVERYONES custom and paid subscriptions they are hoping to get in. It matters not if it is BA, or Joe’s Corner Shop, a business is a business and it needs to be looked after, otherwise that business eventually goes down the toilet, but then again, reading your comments, I can see how and why you do not get that and never will, so we are done. You have fun, good luck to you, I feel you are going to need it.

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Well you keep believing that and give them your money. I am sure they will be very happy to get it and in the mean time, have to do absolutely nothing for it.

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You need to stop saying “everyone.” you’re the only person making a lot of noise, and nobody seems to be coming to your defence!

I’ve not missed any point, but you don’t seem to understand VHTV isn’t going to give you the customer service, an answer or the outcome you want!

I am trying to understand why you would continue to pay for a service you’re unhappy with and continue to litter the forum about your dissatisfaction with the content and the response you got. That is really what I am trying to figure out.

The outcome will not change, if you are going to stay and pay the sub, drop it because it just makes you look foolish paying for a service and nagging all the time, you are not a hostage kid.

If you are truly unhappy, keep your dosh in the bank or go to RLC.

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If you think I am the only one, then you need to read the comments, but as I have said, we are done. I am not in the habit of conversing with brick walls. Good luck to you and have fun :0)

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PS: I was referring to EVERYONE on this Site and EVERYONE’S view, not that EVERYONE had the same opinion. You need to learn to read comments “properly”. Take care.

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I’m not sitting here reading comments all day! I read this thread, and nobody but you are here keeping noise, and my response is to that.

You are in no position to preach about comprehension! You don’t know how to read a room or an audience, or your bitching would’ve stopped a long time ago. :loudspeaker: Bellend.

Who is we? You keep talking about “WE” Are you the orator for some secret society?

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This is exactly what they are telling you to do without having to tell you straight up! I just did a quick course like you suggested online called " reading comments properly" I got an NVQ :partying_face: And I’ve learned that you’ve been told to do just that, F**k You, diplomatically. :rofl:

Nene Leakes Reading GIF

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You obviously enjoy hearing yourself talk and annoying everyone else with it.

Yes I think so.
In contrast to you, I have an ongoing premium subscription and also received 8 days in addition to the days I still have. In this respect, I see this as a gift, because VHTV has no advantages as a result. On the contrary, VHTV has to wait 8 days longer for me to renew my subscription.

Otherwise everything has been said on the topic here.
For our subscriptions, VHTV only provides us with the platform and access to the cameras. The participants and/or their managers are responsible for everything that happens in front of the cameras.

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VHTV, a diferencia de otros sitios similares, permite a sus usuarios acceder a ciertos sitios sin tener que pagar, y solo por eso hay que ser agradecido

Otros sitios similares a VHTV, si no pagas, no ves nada, asi de claro, y todos sabemos que sitios son, otra cosa el contenido, que guste mas o guste menos, pero tambien los que participan no son exclavos sexuales, son personas

Hay gente que se m____ta porque ciertos participantes quieren sacarse un dienro extra por Chaturbate, si VHTV se lo permite no hacen daño a nadie y si esta gente puede sacarse un dinero extra `pues me parece bien

Chaturbate, tambien hay mucha estafa y eso todos lo sabemos, yo desde que descubri una pagina que suben todos los videos de Chaturbate y que te los puedes descargar, sin necesidad de tener que estar tres horas si follan o no follan pues los descargo

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Buena para ti y espero que te diviertas con ella: 0)

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Wow :0)


Stephen Curry Graduation GIF by Storyful

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