What is Happening on This Site?

I would say he has it spot on. So tell us Oh (no so) Wise One, what is he missing.

The simple fact that we only pay to have access to the cams. And watch the participants whatever they doing. Simple as that

That may be, but the people who run the Site have all the power, which means they have the power to change things and yet despite that, choose not to and this Site “used” to be a hell of a lot better. It is not just about raking in the money, it is about giving value for money and customer satisfaction, or do you not agree.

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As i can see that you completely don’t understand what this site is, i will not go any further into this conversation with you.

Just this: you are totally wrong, sorry. Vhtv can not control other people’s lives, THAT will be extremely wrong, on all possible levels, sorry

Ich denke, wir wissen schon was wir erwarten können fĂŒr unser Geld. Das hat nichts mit Kontrolle zu tun, sondern mit Angebot und Nachfrage. Ich gehe davon aus, dass VHTV die Kameras zur VerfĂŒgung stellt und einen gewissen Betrag je nach Nutzung bezahlt. Also liegt es doch an VHTV welche Wohnungen man ausstattet/ unter Vertrag nimmt und welche nicht. Und in so einem Vertrag stehen auch gewisse Bedingungen wie z.B. heute mittag geschehen, dass die Wohnung von Xavier stillgelegt wurde weil der Mieter 48 Std. nicht anwesend war, obwohl Fox da war. Will nochmal wiederholen, wir können und wollen die Teilnehmer nicht kontrollieren, wir können nur mit den FĂŒĂŸen abstimmen, aber ist es nicht besser wenn unzufriedene Kunden nicht vorher auf diese Gefahr hinweisen


I understand perfectly thanks, it is YOU that is missing the point. This Site could be improved massively, all it would take is some effort. Of course you can control other peoples lives, VHTV used to do it all the time
“Here are some party games, play these and spice it up a bit”. That is what this Site used to do, as anyone will tell you, or are you trying to tell me they all had the same party games and the same idea to play them, all at the same time, that is the very definition to controlling lives and if you cannot see that, then it is YOU that is being naïve. This Site pays the Residence, they can control it as much as they like. 1. Less time spent fiddling with the mobiles. 2. Ban them going onto other Sites where they get paid twice and thereby taking away from paying VHTV Customers, would be a start. “Extremely wrong” my butt. VHTV have been doing it for years, it is just that we have reached the point where they cannot be bothered. I am NOT wrong, I am 100% right. But you are right on one thing, we are done, no point in conversing with a person, that cannot see reason, or fact.

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As Vhtv stated in a post above, the grass might have been greener in the past from certain points of view.

As per the rest, Vhtv is not providing anything else other than the platform

Außerdem sollte VHT mal ihre Zielgruppe Ă€ndern ! Wer braucht grad mal volljĂ€hrige Kinder die grad mal 18 sind . Außer dass die trinken wie die irren und dann durchdrehen streiten und weinen passiert nix . Und natĂŒrlich fast die monatlichen UmzĂŒge bei gewissen Teilnehmer

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Ja, ja und das Salz schÀrfer. Ich geb auf, aber noch einen Satz mit auf den Weg: Ich habe in ettlichen Jahren Vetriebsarbeit gelernt, man gewinnt keinen Streit mit einem Kunden, egal wie es auch ausgehen mag.

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This post explains perfectly how things are standing

Did you pay an annual sub or monthly?

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I guess he still has 5 days left of the 8 he got from VHTV

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I was trying to ascertain why he feels obligated to continue paying for a service he is unhappy with.

I was going to say do not resubscribe and go elsewhere if he’s unfulfilled with the content on the site.

He’s given his feedback and got a response, and he’s not happy with the answer; why stay?

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“the grass might have been greener in the past” Amen to that lol.
Now it has no grass at all. Withdean Stadium’s pitch looks like Wembley, compared to the grass on here lol. VHTV needs to provide more than just the platform.


Vielleicht ist es fĂŒr die reifere Person oder zumindest fĂŒr die meisten von ihnen sinnvoller, eine solche Site aufzurufen, und es ist schwieriger, sie zu erreichen. Seien wir ehrlich: Ein 18-JĂ€hriger ohne Lebenskenntnis kommt hier leichter zurecht als ein Erwachsener mit Lebenserfahrung. Mit 18 hĂ€tte ich die Chance ergriffen, auf eine solche Seite zu kommen, aber mit 25?..Naaaah!

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Das Geheimnis, eine Debatte mit einem Kunden zu gewinnen, besteht darin, zuzuhören, was er zu sagen hat, zu erkennen, dass er Recht hat, entsprechend zu handeln und ihn dadurch zufrieden zu stellen :0)


The problem with that is, I and others are not getting a satisfactory answer, or satisfaction for our buck. When a Customer has something to say, then they should be listened to. A decision should be made and acted on accordingly. What I and others do not understand is, we make valid points and feel things need to change, but they do not and it is not just me saying it, but then you come back with the crap: “If you do not like it, move on”. Is that really the solution, or is that not just driving Customers away? Personally I think comments like that are doing VHTV no favors at all. I was always told: “Keep the Customer happy, listen to their points of view and reason with them and also change what you can and keep a happy medium” I think any Businessman worth their salt will tell you, to say to a Customer “fuck you”, is NOT the way to go. Because sooner or later, one will say “fuck you” once too many times and one will find itself with no paying Customers at all. If you were honest with us, which I do not expect for one second, you would tell us how Customer Satisfaction has dipped and subscriptions have gone down in recent times and that also is not a good way to go. But then each to their own I guess
and here we have the difference between a good Businessman and a bad one :0)


That still does not make me wrong. If I was happy I would extend that subscription, thinking: “Ooo yes, I like this!”, but I am not and although I am grateful for the free days, as it gave me a chance to see what has changed, but why do you think we were all given these free days? It was to entice us
why? Because new subscriptions are going downhill and they need new Customers. It is the ONLY reason why a Company gives people promos and I am not the only one that feels this way. So I sit here wondering how many thousands VHTV are going to lose within the next week, or so. Trust me, VHTV is not THAT well off that they can lose that many Customers and all the c___dish emojis in the World is not going to make you right kid.

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You are right
you are totally wrong, for reasons I am not even going to bother going into. But think again and do more digging :0)

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:loudspeaker: Sir/Madam, this is not British Airways! This isn’t a multiple billion brand name with competition trying to retain loyalty.

Do they look like they care about your custom? If any business lets me know where it stands with its services, and I am unhappy and have other choices, my patronage ends! It is really that simple.

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