What is happening now?

This program is designed for entertainment and fun… We can discuss and express points of view that we agree or disagree with. The discussion is now taking sharpness and insults. It may be intentional…and it may not. Most important of all, we do not want anyone to advise us to watch what we are watching. If there is an objection, do not watch, do not comment, and do not enter this project at all. This is not the Oprah Winfrey show. Sorry if I offended anyone

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I come here for fun and generally do so. I may disagree with some comments posted by some but hey I just move on. I try not judge any of the participants by looks but some do which is there right. When someone comes on and be the so called expert and tries to s___f out all the fun out of a forum with their so called expertise the I resort to insult. If I could ignore that person, like the block function on Facebook I would.

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that’s right

O’Brother Everyone in this program is for fun and we do not want any disturbance to the mood… someone comes and says this is true and this is wrong… the real life is enough of worries, someone comes and increases this concern as well.

What exactly do you find confusing? I write very clearly and I say exactly what I mean.

You can ignore any user on here either by just ignoring and scrolling past them or you can click to enter their profile page and at the top right click on Normal button and a drop down menu will appear, there you can select what you wish. ignore function

Thank you for that

Enjoy constantly undoing that for a peek. If there is one thing I know about voyeurs it’s that they are a curious bunch and it’s going to very tempting for you. See ya on the flip side. Lol

I didn’t see where he said any thing was confusing. He just wanted a way to ignore or block someone. Witch there is a way and was posted. Yes you do speak your mind and clearly. :upside_down_face:

Your lack of attention is excusable.

Well I found the original post in a different forum. I see when they transferred this post it was only part of the whole conversation. I figured this out because one of my post’s was also moved here. So I guess when they split a post you have to go back to the original form and find the correct thread. So it wasn’t my Lack Of Attention… I definitely don’t need to be Excused… By anyone…

Yes, things they don’t like get s__ttered and shoved into s__tholes. They really should make one giant s__thole and dump it all there. It’d be easier for people to find the peanuts. :laughing: