šŸš§ We're migrating to New version of VHTV

Have you read my answers in this thread? How many times did I make fun of other users?


42 times out of 75 postsā€¦ :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

By the way, i did answer just to have 75 posts as well. Now we are even on ā€œcomplainsā€ hereā€¦



I have just given up now pal and keeping my b___dy money.
Have had it now, what is it now 6yrs or so with VHTV and never had any problems at all until this last year or how ever long it is.
If you complain you always get the piss taken out of you as though you are a fucking idiot with Jabs favourite answer, ā€œWell i donā€™t get any problemsā€
Recently bought a new computer with the latest processor,video card and 32gb of ram etc etc so it obviously must be my fault. :rofl:
Should have stayed with me old ZX81 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Have sent Support stuff from time to time and still things stay the same.
Not gonna complain anymore have had it up to here, afterall i ainā€™t paying for the crap now anyway now so why should I care.
So many members now seem to worry more about the b___dy cats and things in cages, and they all get given names :rofl:
No doubt Jabs will come back with some smartass answer.
They say now itā€™s got nothing to do with the upgrade, maybe, maybe not, but we are still getting funnies where ever it is from.
Will still look in the forum,when i eventually logon :rofl: but for now my lips are sealed apart from normal chat in the forum and a wry comment now and then. :wink:


There is a reason why I do not use the contact support option for example. Basically there is no point in doing so. As simple as that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

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Well whenever i have, i have always had a polite emaill from them saying they will look into it and then later a possible solution,sometimes.
But not all things seem to get resolved.
Anyway have given up now, not paying anyway so none of my business now really.

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The one thing I definitely can say is that if I put in a certain request for something, what ever it is, then that eventual thing do take an awful amount of time to get resolved. That is not something I am saying just to say it or be a smartass or what ever. I am saying it because that is how it is. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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My PC is up to date, also 32GB RAM, another 16 days and the problem will be solved for me too, you are actually being made out to be a DAU here.


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

B___dy spoilsport, ainā€™t you got nothing else to do :laughing:

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Ich habe schon mal gesagt wƤhrend ich mir die Timeline anschaue und ich die Cams Wechsel geh ich automatisch auf live wieder .

Beide Bilder zeigen erst bin ich nicht live weil ich die Timeline anschauen aber als ich dann die Cam wechsle bin ich auf live . Ich kann es leider nicht besser erklƤren. Dass Go Live Zeichen verschwindet auch . Beide Fotos wurden um 18:17 gemacht wƤhrend den Wechsel der Timeline

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Here you can see the same apartment at the same time with the Cam exchangeā€¦
So, it is not at VHTV, but to your Hardwareā€¦

I posted about 2 weeks about the forum login i havenā€™t tested it since but i suspect itā€™s still the same way.


What browser and and what addons or extensions you are using?

A question youā€™ve asked him already, and also a responseā€¦

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Ich versteh nicht so ganz was du meinst . Ich hab es auf ein Laptop probiert . Auf mehrere IPhones auf verschiedene Browser wie Safari, Opera, Fierefox , Microsoft Edge , Ć¼berall dass selbe Problem. Ich denke nicht dass es an der Hardware liegt

iPhone 14 auf ein Laptop auf andere iPhones mit verschiedenen Browser immer selbe Problem aufgetaucht

Dann hast du GlĆ¼ck

Well, I donā€™t have these problems.
I am currently using Windows 11 Pro and Firefox.
But I have tested it on my work Laptop with Windows 10 and Edge, and could find no problems.

Also on my Android phone I have no problems. However, I use it actually never VHTV, because the display is too small.

I would advise you to contact the Support. Make a little Video of how I did it so you can see the Problem.
Here in the Forum, you will not be able to help you obviously.

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Ich besuche VHT hauptsƤchlich nur am IPhone und habe ehrlich gesagt keinen Ahnung wie ich dass aufnehmen soll . Zumindest soll dass jemand vom VHT wissen und nachforschen .

Es ist offensichtlich dass es Probleme mit der Timeline gibt , egal ob es meins ist oder von anderen Abonnenten