šŸš§ We're migrating to New version of VHTV

I have the same issues as you have. All of themā€¦ :see_no_evil:


It`s very good that you are listing things up cronologically like that. Then VH can hopefully get even more aware of the existing issues. Hopefully. :hugs: :hugs:


Some problems seem to be common to many whilst others arenā€™t, very strange.


At least I am not the only one having the minute skipping issue. I donā€™t use Edge, IE was the only MS browser I used and that was for viewing my security cams. I find Edge a little memory thirsty with multiple tabs open, more so than Chrome. I have a feeling that the page size issue may well be down to code issue, and may just be that the website does not auto adjust to itā€™s environment. I canā€™t see anything blatantly obvious when I inspect the page, but I am not a website developer.

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I can honestly say that it is obvious that the new version has not been beta tested completely and thoroughly. If I remember correctly they tried to introduce the new version a while back and it caused the site no end of problems, which VHTV finally apologised for, but never gave any free days back in return for the hoops we all had to jump through in order for them to get it back to normal. The site was unviewable for several days. I have created a new forum topic here Issues with new website interface If anyone with issues can list them all there it may be beneficial to VHTV rectifying them, rather than having to wade through 100ā€™s of comments.


Maybe but i have used almost all browsers now but still return to Edge.
They all have their little funnies, some more than others, but i know where i am with Edge.
Chrome was always the most memory hungry one.
Some issues may even have the problems depending on what amount of ram you have installed possibly.
I have 32gb in mine and very rarely have memory problems, if at all, and i often have many tabs open.
Then again what processor you have will influence many aspects.and having a graphics card always helps.
My old laptop which i use in the kitchen to keep up etc is often like working on b___dy steam power i think :laughing:

VH always seem to push stuff out without thorough inhouse testing i am sure which is naughty really.
They rely on us to find all the bugs too much.


This place is suppose to be a naughty one in the first place, so that fits the business profile perfectly I think. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I also have 32gb memory, my system can run all of the major new games, most on full resolution with good fps too. I just think the new site is still too buggy despite it being under development for so, so long. If memory serves I think the main issue we had a while back was in 2020/2021, so NOT THAT LONG AGO THEN!!! eh, VHTV

I know, and we are the ones paying through the b___dy nose to test this crap.


Yes it is b___dy annoying very often as it isnā€™t as if they are a new kid on the block so their inhouse team should be very experienced by now or just plain sloppy.
Or just do not inhouse test very well.

Then again none of us are perfect apart from me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Ricky Gervais Lol GIF


As i know from past experience, programming can often be a hit and miss affair as nothing rarely works 100% when first run. One is always debugging.


Even Microsoft are always issuing updates to their system.


Iā€™ve now read through all the problems that many people have here.
To be honest, things are going relatively well for me so far.
The login is a bit annoying. On the old site I could simply call up the link to VHTV and was logged in straight away. Now I have to click on login every time, confirm my email address and password and then Iā€™m logged in. However, I then have to update the page again because the favorites do not appear and the paid cameras appear in red.
This problem occurs for me in both Firefox and Edge and is independent of the PC used. I tested it on 2 PCs and a laptop and it occurs on all devices.

Everything else is actually going normally at the moment.

Nevertheless, VHTV is obviously currently using us as guinea pigs instead of testing the new site internally and only releasing it when at least the basic functions are stable.


Iā€™m having the same issue yesterday i logged in and I pressed remember me and today i turn on and iā€™m again logged out never happened with the old version. Currently in the process with support.


The cookie that is responsible for the login probably burned a little while it was ā€œbakingā€ and is therefore not working correctlyā€¦ :sweat_smile: :crazy_face:


I get that you donā€™t have this extremely annoying issue with not seeing the hours from the timeline unless scrolling down ?

All of these issues can be solved VERY easily, with a sledge hammer!!!

To clarify though, I am suggesting VHTV use the sledgehammer on their ā€˜technologyā€™ā€¦not any of us doing it to ours.


Everything looks good to meā€¦


Youā€™re a lucky one. I can not see the hours unless i scroll down


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This is not luck, but probably a browser setting issue.
Back in the beta version, when the image got bigger and the font got smaller and smaller, I played around with the browser settings a bit and ultimately got it the way it looks now. :wink:

But please donā€™t ask me how I did it. At some point it looked like it does now and I was happy. I forgot the restā€¦ :joy: