
We expected it to end with three girls making out tonight.
wendy never kissed the new girl…it was a bad night.
This was not our hope.

If you send the boys, I wish the girls were left alone…

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the kiss came too late…but just a kiss goodnight…


Henry hat sie nicht zerstört er hat sie höchstens gerettet!! über eure Phantasie kann man nur noch lachen.

Where do i find Wiki in here pal?Obviously i know about Wikipedia.

People who actually believe this are not worth the time to respond to. And it’s not like it matters anyway, because those same clowns who constantly shit on him and act like he’s the devil will still watch and support him anyway.

Which ever way Henrys actions/behaviour and business acumen are perceived his little empire is shrinking and i believe it’s simply because of the way he behaves.The amount of male and female participants past and present who are still hanging around as bit part players,Felix,Loki,Marica,Mikl to name but a few pretty much sums it up.I don’t believe M&H are bad people i just think they have been sussed and his methods don’t work so successfully any more, their friends will remain friends but as sex worker/employees not so much.

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Thanks very much Jabs :+1:

Is this the same Wendy above frolicking with Felix who is surely one of Henry’s ‘possee’.

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Trust Jabbs to make the answer more complicated :laughing::
Just click on “Participants” at the top of this page. :laughing:

Ok but it is jolly decent of him to even bother,no pal credit where credit is due, your some guy :laughing:

Yeah well i like to keep things simple even for a high tech guy like yourself :roll_eyes:

Felix is an opportunist/friend of Henrys a guy who doesn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.Do you seriously believe that Felix{a free agent} is fucking around with Wendy because Henry told him to,no chance no way.

Well at least dear old Felix got to shag Wendy, Henry didn’t :laughing:

Well Well,this participants page i’m really surprised what a stack of Info. thanks guys i didn’t even know it existed which is my fault of course,hugs and kisses to you all :laughing:well maybe not :rofl:

Yeah simple when you know how pal.
How’s the laptop going then?
No hugs and kisses then aahhhh. Disappointment reigns :laughing:

Faye and Wendy :heart:


At my level of competency pretty damn good and what i’m enjoying the most is how much more there is i can do compared to a tablet,windows 11 of course he[ps,yep getting there and if i’m ever stuck i’m not to proud to ask for help. :+1: