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I see D&P+ Lana has showed up now. Is Lenny and Lana still together? Last couple of times I have seen her she has been alone

Did Henry take Snoopy with them, to harass Sonya?

And now that the horn-dogs are gone D&P show up, then Mira undresses?

I do not understand this group at all anymore!

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Who’s D&P please?

I’m not sure what happened to Henry. Shana and Loki are home, but Henry is not with them and he’s not at home either

OK the penny just dropped, Debbie & Paul :laughing:

Probably gone on a pub crawl to drown all his rejection sorrows :rofl:

Walking the dog?


Ahhh might be pal.:+1:

Fuck me your quick pal :rofl:

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Always on the ball pal, cough cough, :rofl:

Well, who is gonna be the quick pal fucker now then? :laughing:

Debbie and Paul,
the resident food joke couple.

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Ah well @Edd5512 that’s the sex hope all over then :rofl:

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Henry just arrived back

Sadly that might be right. :laughing:

Sling in a 24" pizza and you’ve got a fighting chance :laughing:

Who the fuck arrives at past 2am in the b___dy morning anyway :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Henry has arrived to collect the rent :innocent:

girls don’t know when henry approaches someone to push him away as long as they don’t do it