
Hi Rob,have you ever noticed the shower being used in Wendys place?.I don’t think Wendy or the girl guest have used it since she moved in.Certainly they maybe go to guest girls flat for a bath or shower.Just wondering pal. :+1:

Are they OK, I have not seen either one do more than roll over in bed for almost 12 hours!

Wendy and the guest girl have an odd relationship,i’ve seen them snogging passionately but they don’t seem to want to take it any further plus guest girl never takes her clothes off,all very odd to me.

Another camera shy girl?

Oh definitely but we have to remember guests are not bound by the same rules as participants. :+1:

Yeah had noticed that then again there’s more room in a b___dy matchbox :roll_eyes:

more than 15 hours now…are they on s______e

Challenging Rip Van Winkle now.If they had done a hard days graft or a night on the piss then maybe but !!!

Offline with health issues?10 mins.ago they were lying on the bed looking ok to me.However must be genuine and i hope both are ok soon.

could have gotten food poisioning from the takeout that wendy brought home

Yep a possibility but do you know what thinking outside the box,the guest girl steadfastly refuses to take any clothes off do you think she could be having a shower?.i know thats a bit far fetched but to my knowledge none of the two of them have showered since this place opened,but if anyone can show me different then happy to be wrong.

Looks like nothing new since the old apartment!

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Hi all. I got a little sick, but now everything is fine with me. to become better❤


I didn’t have food poisoning, I just had a fever for several days in a row

So if you were sick several days why did your boss decided to do his ego party 3 days ago at your place where you had to be without clothes all that time while being with fever? Postponed a few days wouldn’t hurt his finances


it’s not, then I was fine, I got sick after the party


Ah ok, several days in a row is 2 days :grin: :grin:

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3 days to be exact😊

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Right after the party?? Damm maybe it’s the result of some allergy :grin: :grin:

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Hi Wendy,is your shower broken as it never seems to be used,just wondering.