
Tanya will be disappointed, that Henry didn’t shoot his load unprotected. :rofl:

…and I was wondering if Henry is competing Ross in time to shoot. :rofl: :rofl:

And if Torrey could, he would give me 5 :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: for that. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Curious as to what Wendy is screaming when she is being fucked (I can understand “da”! LOL) Anybody know? I thnk she told him to leave her throat alone a couple of times?

I do love a noisy woman during sex!

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so Henry finaley got his way with Wendy . what a shame

How time flies and change! When Wendy first came on VHTV she was this shy innocent girl and as time went by she started coming out of her element. Skipping ahead she has now become Henry’s #1 go to girl for his guy clan since everyone else has left him. So when will Felix get his chance?

I think you and I have different understandings on what shy and innocent means :laughing:

Je propose de renommer cet appartement en Kano… vu qu’il y passe 90% de son temps et Wendy 10%. Certainement plus lucratif pour Wendy d’être à l’extérieur !!!


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shy as being not comfortable being in front of cams being nude or doing anything sex wise. Maybe not so innocent just my way of describing her in an instant

thats it nothing more…these girls fucking every guy they see and allways without protection its sad these girls…that they wanna be like tis so low

des mecs de presque deux fois son âge !!! mais cela on plus les moyens financiers que n’ont pas les mecs de son âge

C’est très triste de voir une jeune fille qui au départ venait ici pour s’amuseur et gagner quelques euros… tomber dans le giron de proxénètes abusant de sa cupidité… :worried::man_facepalming:

are you really that dumb that you don’t trust her to leave or say no when she feels like it?

and to all the henry haters: admit it, you’re just jealous that he’s able to do something you’d like to have…
I was in his situation a few years ago, and I don’t believe any of you who would honestly say that you wouldn’t take the chance if it presented itself

you’re talking to walls let it go… :+1:

En a t’elle les moyens ou la possibilité financière de dire “niet” comme trisha qui bénéficie d’une aura, ou doit elle juste subir pour pouvoir vivre et apparemment faire vivre aussi sa mère???

Unfortunately you are right. I will also not lead long discussions. but I will still give my opinion on it at least once, if only so that it is heard

Et réciproquement…:+1:

J’ai été libertin de nombreuses années… Ce genre de situation je l’ai vécu plusieurs fois… Mais conscient de ce que voulait juste la jeune fille… (avec surplus si pas de préservatif!!!) Ca a été viite réglé…:joy::joy::joy:

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Lorsque Wendy s’absente des journées entières pensez vous qu’elle va à l’université prendre des cours???:joy::joy:

you should take a break from thinking about things that are none of your business.
because thinking too much is like farting. If you try too hard, only s__t comes out


C’est exactement la réponse que je puis vous faire… regarder et taisez vous…:joy::joy::joy:

Si la merde vous dérange ne regardez pas