
Sadly according to VHTV Content Updates she’s definitely gone :disappointed:

Just noticed that there was an update on Faye and realm56. Faye’s name is no longer there and it only says …

So, makes me wonder if Faye has absolutely left? jabbath1987 it would be great if we heard what her actual status is so we can stop speculating and put a sold end to if she’s actually left or not (if you actually know or can say). As a side note if you have actually said she gone I’ve missed it.

I can’t say anything about that other that everything is okay now and Faye is fine :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I would understand that in such a way that certain people will probably no longer be seen on VHTV.

That doesn’t tell us anything at all, is she leaving or staying? not a very difficult question or is it on a need to know basis and we don’t need to know??? :laughing:

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As she is no longer to be seen on the site she is no longer there. Means she left.

Understood, I appreciate your reply and understand that although you’re member just as I and many others are but hold a trusted position. In that you “may” at times have more factual knowledge than the rest of us but can’t divulge it. Once again thank you for your reply.


Thankyou very much :+1: It wasn’t very difficult was it :laughing:

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and it would have been mine too if it had remained :thinking: :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thanks for the clarification :+1:


looks like you got your reply from jabbath1987 as did I. But, it doesn’t stop me from dreaming that Faye will be back someday. Hopefully before my subscription runs out in 44 days (including today). I tend to take a break for a while after a subscription runs out. It becomes all to routine for me after a while.

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That is unusual,

I think that is the first time I’ve seen someone leave the project and take their videos with them!

Is there a special payment they get to allow the videos to remain?

No it has happened before with some participants in that they have left and had all their videos removed.

Many who “leave” still show up as guests though, so there may still be some Fayebulocity in the near future. :pray:

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Wouldn’t go as far as to say many but yes some have turned up as guests but don’t think that has happened for a while now.
I honestly think that those who have left are glad to get out of this circus and live a normal life.

While what you say is true!

We shouldn’t give up all hope.

Look at Nina and Kira, After the baby was born, they “Left The Project” for several months.
Then returned in the exact same apartment recently! So she may be back!

hoping they don’t do like nina and kira or else we can say goodbye to vhtv…

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Don’t get me going about Nina & Kira :laughing:
It as always confused me to be honest why they were/are even on a voyeur site at all considering they are supposed to be two highly educated and talented girls with successful careers outside of this circus.
Anyone with a half a brain, after having experienced life on a site like this, should just say thanks for the memory and get the hell out of it personally.
As it certainly isn’t a lifetime career and could fuck up your life from being on here due to the universal use of the internet now and subsequent exposure.

I agree with robwin, it happened before, that participant left and all vids were deleted out of the archive,

I guess, a leaving participant thinks the memory will fade away, as they may enter other jobs, and don’t

necessarily want collegues or costumers to enjoy their naked pics and vids.

Nonetheless, the internet doesn’t forget, somebody said, and if you only look at the other platforms

distributing VHTV-vids, you can delete them from the archive, but they’ll still be there.

My opinion is, after VHTV participation, it’s hard to get into a “regular” life without your past chasing you…

and it’ll reach you…sometime.

As I said, jmo

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If it’s there and you can see it: It’s REAL
If it’s there and you can’t see it: It’s TRANSPARENT
If it’s not there and you can see it: It’s VIRTUAL
If it’s not there and you can’t see it: It’s GONE

from an old datacom book about TCP/IP